Sunday, February 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

October 31, 2014

Our actor is A list when it comes to looks. For over three decades on television he has had A list looks. As far as work goes, he probably is B list just because of his looks and past gigs. Mostly television. Not Emmy Award stuff, but long term crowd pleasers. He is the only actor who makes commercials look like something you would want to do. He goes out to dinner almost every night. Usually one of three places. All of them are located within a mile of each other, although one of them did just shut down and is moving to a new location so I don;t know if he will abandon it or not. Every night that he has gone out for the past year he has always bought dinner for a couple. The places he dines are anniversary or birthday type places and our actor always asks who is celebrating what and always buys dinner and a bottle of wine or champagne and if the couple wants it, he will even stop by and say hi. He especially loves doing it for tourists in town celebrating. He gets a kick out of it and likes making people happy and it just goes with who he is. Is he affecting the world? No, but he is making people feel good almost every night.

John Stamos



  1. Frufra12:19 AM

    Go John, go! What a great, fun way to spread a little joy in the world.

  2. The 10th Doctor12:50 AM

    I like him despite his meh role choices. When given the chance to actually act and not coast on his looks, he is quite good. I caught him on an SVU rerun recently and he was actually really good in his creepy role. Didn't know he had it in him. Aside from that, this is indeed, a very kind thing for him to do.

  3. aemish1:12 AM

    awww! Hot +and+ adorable.. what a great combo ლ(╹◡╹ლ)

  4. John Stamos ROCKS! The fact that he purposely goes out to do that just tickles me. That is so cool. What a great guys. He's making other people happy little by little. Thanks Enty for revealing this blind. Truly put a smile on my face today.


    That's awesome. Full House must have made him eff you money.

  6. heck yea! can you imagine the residual checks? that show is on virtually all the time on several different channels and how many years was it on the air and then in repeats. stamos isn't hurting for money and probably never has to work again. I love that he loves to make others happy.

  7. Oh yeah. Full House was huge. Everyone knows Full House. Worldwide. If he showed me the amount of money he made via Full House I'd ask him "That.. tha-tha-that can't be real right?" and then he'd say "Oh.. it's real." and then my head would explode because I simply couldn't handle the number. And then he'd buy dinner for my corpse.

    John Effing Stamos. What a dude. He's my new spiritual king.

  8. nancer5:13 AM

    i never even watched 'full house' but i've always loved him. this just makes me love him more.

  9. That's cute. Although I find it weird in this day and age that in all that time no one of the couples have never ever said anything about it online. Me - I would be all over Twitter, LOL

  10. Same here. Tried watching it once, a long, long time ago and I just didn't care for it.

  11. oops hit "post" too fast, but yes, this blind reveal makes me love all the more.

  12. Every actor getting residual money should send Ed Asner flowers from time to time. He began pioneering for this a very long time ago.

  13. Malibuborebee9:35 AM

    You're right about Ed Asner and residuals - they all owe him.

    Stamos is a freak in the sack and a hell of a nice guy. He's also one of the handsomest men I have ever seen irl. He's really much more attractive in person than he is on-screen.

  14. back again9:50 AM

    Well THAT'S a helluva Teaser @Malibu !!!
    -in the words of "GREASE" "..tell me more,tell me more,..did you get very far?? " haahaa-just kidding,leave us guessing lol-

  15. Kilsmom10:15 AM

    Actually it was Audrey meadows who had her first residual payments,Meadows' brother, attorney Edward Cotter, negotiated a clause in her contract which guaranteed Meadows residual payments should "The Honeymooners" ever be rebroadcast. She not only made a fortune from rebroadcasts, she was the only performer on the show to do so.

  16. TeeTee12:30 PM

    my husband would have to peel me off of him, LOL!!
    I've loved him for a long time

  17. Theresa2:28 PM

    I managed a restaurant in Atlanta that he ate in regularly while filming Necescary Roughness. While he is a handsome man and generally nice guy, he never, ever bought food for anyone, nor did he ask if anyone was celebrating anything. This is a moderately expensive restaurant. .

  18. This must be another John. I had the pleasure of waiting on him multiple times while he was on "Broadway". It was common knowledge that if he came in, an order of french fries was expected and your staying at attention until 3am-5 hours later for a $12 dollar check.

  19. However I can say, that if someone else was footing the bill, it was worth your time, but not enough to keep a restaurant and kitchen open soo far after hours.

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