Friday, February 13, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 8, 2014

This foreign born A list model is turning to acting because her coke use is so out of control that she is having a tough time not looking bloated. She looks fine for video but not on runways.

Cara Delevingne


  1. sandybrook1:04 AM

    There's not much bloat that I see but plenty of bruises

  2. Kno Won Uno1:05 AM

    PSA: Avoid google image searching "coke bloat"..
    ..unless your day is entirely too great and you'd like to snuff out all joy.

  3. Kno Won Uno1:06 AM

    That led directly to the unfortunate google image search. I still don't buy "bloat" on Cara D.

  4. Tricia131:09 AM

    ^ lol

  5. Zilla31:58 AM

    ?? Bowie never looked bloated in the 1970's..he looked manorexic. I didn't think coke bloated people.

  6. Harriet Craig2:41 AM

    There she is again. She the answer to more reveals than Tara Reid or Misha Barton.

  7. selenakyle6:28 AM

    I think the cocaethylene produced in the body when coke and alcohol are used together is cause for some of the bloat. I've only seen it in people who party when they're older, and also perhaps in females who use a LOT of both together and aren't hydrating enough and/or not being healthy overall.

    And it gets worse due to binge-eating after a couple-day coke bender.

  8. This Picture of Cara definitely shows coke bloat, NSFW btw. I hope it's not against website rules.

  9. She bores me...enough of her.
