Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Kindness

December 16, 2014

This A list mostly television actress is on a very hit network show. People are obsessed with this show. Our actress though always finds time to help out those in need and especially one group of which she is fond. The fact that she supports this group is public knowledge. What she prefers to keep quiet though is that she sets aside almost a quarter of her earnings for a scholarship fund she created for the members of this group. They have no ides she started it or funded it and she came up with the name of a fake corporation that is supposedly funding the scholarships. It is all her. With her current salary and a match by her boss the two of them are able to send about ten kids to college full-time and pay for their room and board and books too. Within the next year they are hoping to expand the program to be able to send every child who goes through the program to school. This is a multi-million dollar a year commitment from our actress and her boss.

Kerry Washington/Shonda Rhimes


  1. sugarbread maker2:37 AM

    go gurls!!!

  2. back again2:42 AM

    doesn't get better than that-niiiice job women!

  3. MontanaMarriott2:50 AM

    Sistahs are doing it waaaaay big, LOVE IT!

  4. sunny3:08 AM

    Guaranteed it's some black charity. Blacks would NEVER EVER do anything to help anyone that isn't black. But whites fall all over themselves to help blacks. Makes no sense, but at least it's blacks throwing away their money on this futile and useless effort instead of guilting whitey into funding the future criminals and welfare baby mamas that will be robbing, raping and murdering their kids in a few short years. Might as well burn the money, or better yet, offer free sterilization and give them a few hundred bucks for their trouble. They can buy all the chitlins, wings and grape drank they want! Then we'll be rid of them once and for all, maybe we can finally go to Mars, colonize the moon, or just rebuild all of the cities they've destroyed. Imagine! Safe and livable cities without blacks...sounds like heaven and you wouldn't have to flee the planet.

  5. MeMyselfandI3:21 AM

    OR, we can just send you to Mars and be rid of your ugly, ignorant, most-likely self, hate!

  6. SelenaKyle3:26 AM

    Any idea which charity she is supporting?

  7. Bread and Circuses3:27 AM

    People like YOU should be euthanized.

    I'd settle for you having your vocal cords ripped out and your typing fingers cut off.

    And by the way, I'm white.

  8. Whywhywhy?3:43 AM

    Yeah, wonder what charity. Good for them. I love that Annie Lennox and Aretha and someone else!

  9. kadydid4:03 AM

    Your comment is hilarious! No matter what part of the world, you will encounter people of another race. stupid pice of pork (the OTHER white meat) cyber bully

  10. LOVE Kindness blind reveals, not to mention when they do their act of kindness in SECRET and don't send all the PR info to the media for attn. Love, love, L-O-V-E it!!

  11. Then can you please explain to me why the vast majority of serial killers are white males?

    You get jerks in every color of the rainbow. Something you've proven.

  12. Malibuborebee8:55 AM

    Oh, hey there, Sunny, you walking pustule on a diseased camel's ballsack! How's it hanging? You know, your little needle-dick - how's it hanging? Still crooked from those massive antibiotic injections? Tough break, but everyone tried to warn you about fucking those sheep, even if they did remind you of your sister.. .

  13. Santoki9:17 AM

    Love this! Good girls with a good heart!

  14. tarap9:19 AM

    This could very easily hit the $1 million+ per year. Very impressive

  15. Robert10:18 AM

    Why is this comment permitted to remain in the thread and not moderated?

  16. GillyB10:32 AM

    You got to be kidding? This is laughable on every level! Racist isn't even the half of it- utterly stupid, deluded and devoid of fact are better descriptions.

    Enty and mods, why hasn't this been deleted?
