Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 21, 2014

This B list actress who alternates between television and movies is recently married to a man with A+ list last name recognition. She knows about his one public affair and another that has not been in the media, but there are four or five others that he is desperately trying to make sure don’t come to light. The last thing he needs is another high profile divorce.

Cheryl Hines/RFK Jr.


  1. Betty2:56 AM

    She knew what she was getting into with his cheating ways. She deserves all the pain he'll serve for being one of his original skanks and being just famous enough to get a wedding band from him. He's going to probably die from some sort of crotch-dissolving STD. Match made in purgatory.

  2. texasrose4:24 AM

    True dat Betty! Famewhores.

  3. Whywhywhy?8:07 AM

    Speak Betty speak

  4. it took forever8:50 AM

    damn @BETTY, you are harsh girl lol lol lol, but so true

  5. Studio5410:29 AM

    He's a real jerk. I remember when he tried to gaslight his wife who killed herself, Mary, that he wasn't having affairs on her, when he was. If she didn't do any research into this jerk, she only has herself to blame.

  6. What Betty said!! Lol

  7. What is it about those Kennedy men that they can't keep it in their pants?
