Saturday, February 07, 2015

Blind Items Revealed Revisited

Back in March 2014, I wrote the blind item below. In September of last year I revealed it to be Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon. As I told you yesterday, police are investigating Nick in the death of Bobbi. Today, TMZ and Gawker have jumped on board and reported what I told you yesterday and the death was only a matter of time.

March 28, 2014

For the past few months things have been getting worse. What was always a volatile relationship has turned more violent than volatile. Family members have tried to help this C list reality star offspring of this former A+ list entertainer(singer). From people I have spoken to who have been inside the home of our C lister, things are bad. There are drugs everywhere. There is cash everywhere. It is like watching Scarface. The significant other of our C lister thinks he is the next Scarface. The thing is he sucks at business. He just uses the money of our C lister to make it seem like he is making millions of dollars. Instead he is spending every cent she gets in the second it comes in and has made her sign all types of documents which have basically cost her most of her future income for the next few years. When he doesn't keep her drugged up he beats her. He has all kinds of recordings of her doing anything he can think of just to keep her in line. He says he will release it all if she tries to leave him. She is scared of him and loves him at the same time. When he is wasted the beatings can be rough and there have been shots fired more than once. Everyone knows he is going to end up killing her one night. She will try and leave and he won't like that and will shoot her and kill her. The family hopes she can escape, but she has no place to go that she would accept help from.

Bobbi Kristina/Nick Gordon


  1. snitty1:28 AM

    wait...did they take her off life support?

  2. Tricia131:31 AM

    This is quite eerie. But if you knew enty- others did, why could this not have been prevented somehow? If she was stubborn and didn't want help I guess it was impossible., but this is just beyond sad. I really hope they find the evidence they need to get this MF put away

  3. cupcakes4all1:32 AM

    I always refer folks here because I remember when Enty reported this and I remember when he revealed it..

    its the truth

    why would anyone make this stuff up and so long ago?? waaaaay before the drama now.
    I will never forget one blind, Enty said, he feared that she would not live throughout the year w/the behavior that has been going on in the relationship..

    Enty called it a few yrs back--the truth has been right here all the time.

  4. Sad that no one was strong enough to move this Nick out of her life.
    I blame her father Bobby for NOT being able to take control of the situation and guide her before she died. Now, he seems to be involved but it is too late.
    Unfortunately, brain dead is dead and no amount of life support will bring her back to life. And, it is sad the family is fighting while pointing fingers at each other placing blame for her death on others when they should be blaming themselves. Glad Whitney's attorneys had the foresight to convince Whitney to place a clause in her will incase something did happen to her daughter. Hopefully, any control Nick had on the money died with her.

  5. back again1:45 AM

    I think the other guy,Max Lomas,who found Bobbi-Kristina & called 911,may be very helpful in this investigation IF Authorites agree that he won't be charged for any drug stuff or probation violations etc.
    -I think he's like: "F*** i did not sign up for this shite!" he's in deep sh** but i think he's just a low-life drug dealer wanna be- i may be waaay off by minimizing him but he & his girlfriend seem genuinely scared to me

  6. Beckymae1:46 AM

    Ugh, the poor kid barely stood a chance...

  7. it took forever1:46 AM

    you cant save people from themselves. many tried but iits the lifstyle she wanted

  8. Did yall know Whitney called Bobbi "mom" and Clive Davis "dad"? Plain backwards. Also heard rumors Bobbi was molested as a child by a relative and had to get an abortion at 13. This Nick of all people was her savior. That's how bad she had it.

  9. And-so-on..2:04 AM

    It began long ago with Cissy and John Houston not liking Whitney's best friend Robyn so Whitney married Bobby to clean her image...

  10. Or even before that. I believe Whitney and her brothers experienced some type of abuse growing up. ALL of them ended up junkies. Cissy was on the road a lot. You have to wonder what happened to them when they were kids.

  11. This poor girl never had a chance with irresponsible, trifling parents like Whitney and Bobby. As far as I can tell, neither one ever looked after her properly or tried to instill some values and self-respect in her upbringing. Too busy with themselves and their vices.

    Incredibly sad, when kids are raised by trash what chance do they ever really have? Poor BK

  12. selenakyle2:51 AM

    I agree, @ back again. I hope this Max guy spills the beans BIG TIME. No way Nick is squeaky-clean in all of this. No way.

  13. Dudette4:03 AM

    There was only so much the family could do, since she's an adult, making her own decisions.

  14. Um, no one has reported she's dead, just off life support. You can breathe off life support.
    Wait for official report.
    Everyone failed her but she was an adult and made choices.
    Hollywood spares no one. Any parent who loves their kid will keep them away.

  15. Auntie5:33 AM

    Big time set up by Nick. he wants Lomas to be the primary suspect. prayers for Bobbi Kristina. She never had a chance!

  16. Ginger Haired Pig Balls6:05 AM

    obvious shill is obvious

  17. sugartitts6:57 AM

    Enty also called lwrenn Scotts death a week before she killed herself because she had tried to kill herself at Mick's place in mystique but mick and family covers it up and got her private help and left her alone

  18. my2cents7:00 AM

    The guy Max Lomas is facing serious charges and serious prison time unrelated to this. He's a drug dealer so probably supplied both Bobbi and Nick with theirs. SURE he wants to make a deal and be granted immunity. He's lawyered up and stopped talking to police. Same for Nick. I think Max is also a featured player with Bobbi in the sex tapes Nick made. IMO he's going to be about as helpful to the prosecution as Nick is, which is to say not much. I know if I were a juror in a case like this, I'd have to completely discount testimony from someone so deeply involved in what went on in Bobbi's home and in trouble himself like Max.

  19. Tricia137:04 AM

    ^ sounds about right@my2cents:(
    Ugh. Her life , could have been so very- different.

  20. my2cents7:07 AM

    Are cupcakes4all and sugartitts trying to infer that Enty has ESP? LOL both guesses, which reminds me..

    I've been waiting for this one from back in December. I think Enty took a wild guess that Jack Falahee would come out in his OUT Magazine interview this week but that didn't happen:

    December 9, 2014

    Blind Item #4

    His character is gay on his new network hit show (ABC) and this actor is set to come out in real life in the next couple of weeks, especially after the random making out he did with multiple men the other night at a charity event.


    That was a month ago now. Still waiting.......

  21. my2cents7:08 AM

    +1 Tricia

  22. Tricia 137:18 AM

    @2cents. I remember the blind! I guessed Andrew Harrison Leeds from cristela_ABC, but no clue:(

  23. If Lomas knew Bobbi was dead in the bathtub, he would not have let the cable person in, if that part of the story is true. Being up for drugs is better than being up for murder. Everything pales in comparison to that.

    Gordon probably wanted Lomas to find the body so he could do his act.

    Lomas could be very helpful. If there's phone record showing Gordon called Lomas at a certain time to come to the house, that would tell the story.

  24. back again10:49 AM

    Hi @ my 2cents,i totally get & agree w/your points & i know Max's got alot on his own plate legally but this whole thing has put him under the Nation's glare & his whole criminal life is now under a microscope b/c he was there!-that's what i meant by he's in way over his head.Before he Lawyered up,(as he should have under the circumstances,btw) he'd already told the authorites he saw Nick cleaning up blood,etc. I don't care if he's in any sex tapes-who cares-this is a whole different ball of wax.And, I would not automatically dismiss what he has to say as a Juror b/c of his incentive,self-interest, etc..This is all premature until we know a ton more & I still think he can/will help alot in sorting it all out.-He can tell what he's witnessed re:their arguments,physical violence,Nick's demeanor,phone calls,etc..i don't think he had a clue that Bobbi was upstairs unconscious in the bathtub.I think he was her drug dealer & that they did some funky& illegal stuff together & but i don't think he's involved w/her almost drowning to death.

  25. tarap7:21 PM

    I agree back again. I think the kid Max was playing gangsta and things got very real very fast. I look for him to start providing info that can help.

  26. Keirstin1:20 PM

    Wow and the police report and lawsuit released today confirms everything you said
