Friday, February 20, 2015

Four For Friday - He Taught Him How To Drug And Rape

It is Friday. I love a good Friday. An Academy Award Friday is a lot more busy than usual. I am coordinating with everyone that I will have all over town Sunday night. Also, on Monday in this time slot I will post the first of five parts from my four day interview with the largest celebrity sex broker in the world. He name dropped several hundred celebrities, actresses, reality stars and models and I am working on turning it into the biggest blind item ever. In the meantime, I will be here all weekend blogging away so I hope you will stop by. If you would like to follow me on Twitter I am @entylawyer

It happened three or four decades ago now. There he was the almost A list movie star. He had a television show under his belt. He was a very good friend of this permanent A list celebrity but not the best friend of him. That title belonged to someone else (lets call him DF) and our actor befriended him. They would spend almost every evening together and pick up women. Lots of women. They rarely even dressed because there were so many women to choose from. Sometimes though the woman you wanted didn't want to be with you. DF though showed our actor how it could be done. You see, DF was a doctor and would write out prescriptions for himself and others. He showed our actor what worked best for what type of person and under what situations. They would practice on women all the time to see if they would pass out or become more willing or if the dose did nothing. In the meantime they would continue to have sex with every woman they saw. One day they decided to put their theories into practice and from that day forward, both of them were hooked on the system. They didn't have to be nice. They didn't have to care. They didn't have to worry if the woman didn't want them, they just would hand her a pill and back in the day there were tons of pills. They would wait a few minutes and then drag her stumbling to a bedroom where she would pass out or be close to it and they would each take a turn. For years they did this until DF's own addictions became too much, but he did leave our actor a present. Hundreds and hundreds of their special pills.


  1. Derek Harvey2:17 AM

    Richard Pryor Bill Cosby

  2. sandybrook2:18 AM

    Michael Douglas

  3. MontanaMarriott2:21 AM

    Don't know why I am thinking permanent A list is Hefner, Actor Don Johnson or Tom Selleck.

  4. sandybrook2:23 AM

    OK Michael Douglas\Hugh Hefner then.

  5. Tricia132:31 AM

    pains me to say:Robin Williams /Possibly Hefner

  6. Important clue being ignored: DF is a doctor. None of the guesses indicate anything about a celebrity who was BFF with a celebrity doctor!
    So, who back in the 70's or early 80's was a celebrity and had a BFF doctor friend?

  7. Tricia132:32 AM

    Or Williams/John Belushi

  8. Derek Harvey2:35 AM


  9. sandybrook2:40 AM

    He's not a celebrity doctor he just had clientele who came to him for drugs scripts.

  10. gadzooks2:40 AM

    This is obviously Bill Cosby and some doctor we haven't heard about. Cosby had the 60's era tv show I Spy under his belt. He was alist as a stand up comedian too.

  11. Ginger Haired Pig Balls2:43 AM

    Burt Reynolds for the actor, Elvis for the permanent A lister

  12. MontanaMarriott2:43 AM

    The Dr. is the tough one to figure out, it could be a plastic surgeon, a shrink, anyone who has a license to prescribe meds.

  13. Ginger Haired Pig Balls2:43 AM

    Elvis Presley

  14. Ginger Haired Pig Balls2:45 AM


  15. MontanaMarriott2:48 AM

    Hmmmm Hugh Hefner's good friend Dr. Marc Saginor aks Dr. Feelgood, could this be it?

  16. This is disgusting, but not surprising.
    Any parent who lets their kid be a star should be checked for abuse and mental depravity.

    When we see old kid actors who disappear, I think they didn't like this and split!

  17. I didn't think Elvis fit because years ago I saw a behind the scenes documentary where Elvis was getting sex everyday from some female fan who just wanted to screw or blow him. So, he would never of HAD TO drug any woman.
    However, Derek Harvey's reply of Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby does make sense given how Bill continued to (allegedly) drug and rape women through his life.

  18. Tricia132:58 AM

    I agree@ Montana with Hefner/ dr. Feel good
    Cosby was never poised to be an A list movie. He was a TV actor/ stand up not a leading man in film( even comedies) if it were Cosby then it's a Mr X blind...

  19. slim shady2:59 AM

    he was a drug addict, so I think he's the doctor.

  20. Whywhywhy?3:00 AM

    So who trained Bill? Disgusting people. Sometimes X when the child actors can't handle it and have horrible or misguided parents, they end up like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes or who knows...even Michael Jackson. These people get and seem to stay strange, if not, criminal to say the least. Whatever Bill's story of how he got this way, no excuse. He still seems as though he did nothing wrong. Pig!

  21. Not sure who this is, but does sound like Hogan's Hero Bob & his buddy who knew about video cameras.

  22. Ginger Haired Pig Balls3:11 AM

    the blind says the DR. and the actor friend drugged the women. Not the permanent A lister. Elvis had his own personal DR. and he was good friends with Reynolds , who was a notorious drug fiend in the seventies. By that point Elvis didn't even care about sex, he was too far gone into a world of drugs.

  23. I like derek's guess. It might just be me but this bi was a little confusing to read.

  24. Dave S.3:14 AM

    DF is probably supposed to be Dr. Feelgood, but there have been a BUNCH of Dr. Feelgood's out there. I don't see enough here to make a good guess.

  25. Jeannie3:22 AM

    Have just been reading Robert Evans' biography. He, Jack Nicholsen and Roman Polanski used to hang around a lot back in the day, and there were plenty of disposable women in their lives.

  26. back again4:22 AM

    I agree with @Sandybrook & @MontanaMarriott 's guesses!!
    1.Permanent A Celebrity-Hugh Hefner
    2.Dr. Feelgood(DF) Mark Saginor
    3.Michael Douglas;
    Hefner was friends with Michael Douglas & his dad-Hefner was at Michael's AFI TRIBUTE in 2009 & talked about their old friendship;Michael would've been getting to A Movie star with Coma,The China Syndrome,Running& soon Jewel Of The Nile & he'd won the Oscar for One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest for producing(which makes him friends w/creepy Jack N & Roman P as well).Very successful TV Show being "The Streets Of San Francisco" (circa.1974); Michael had to go to rehab for sex addiction; Bill Cosby's too obvious & never A list movies(tricia's comment this'd be a Mr.X Blind b/c Bill Cosby's everyone's immediate obvious guess);
    The Problem's the wording of the Rating if it's MIchael -he WAS getting to Almost A in 70's-early 80's but then he got to A+ & is now permanent A-so if Enty means he's NOW almost A not him(but i think it is Michael Douglas)

  27. back again4:24 AM

    ***Marc not Mark (check out his daughter's-Jennifer?- memoir about the shite that went down in her presence w/her dad & alot of celebs et al)

  28. Ginger Haired Pig Balls5:43 AM

    I know your life is an illusion, but this is low, even for you.

  29. Planet J5:55 AM

    I'm leaning more towards Hef. I've read stories that he handed pills out to the girls at his parties all the time

    I don not believe it was Elvis. He had to many woman throwing themselves at him 24/7! I'm from the Memphis area, My mom became friends with one of Mr.Vernon's ex girlfriends in the early 90s,when we lived in Colorado,they were both nurses,my mom grew up in Memphis and the ex lived there for a few years with Mr.Vernon,so they became fast friends.My mother worked for the ex's doctor husband in Colorado. She is NOT the crazy ex that did interviews slandering the family..she was a very sweet lady that has never done an interview about Elvis or made any money off of the Presley name,she truly cared for that whole family and you will not find anyone that was around at that time,speak negative of her. Anyway..She told my mom that woman threw themselves at him constantly (of course). He would have not have had to drug a woman for sex,even in the worst years of his life!

  30. selenakyle6:09 AM

    ....and Michael Douglas' ex-wife had the nerve to say her preciously little baby son was being treated unfairly going to prison for drugs because he's rich, blah, blah. (he's so bad off, the entitled dumbfuck tried to smuggle drugs INTO jail, FFS!).

    Jeez, if my daughter wanted to go to H'wood I'd want to chain her in the basement until age 30.

  31. Tricia136:09 AM

    Look RayNicolet/beetlejuice/cowardly lion/trilby/bitchfaceMcGee/ malibu bore bee/FSP/princesschowmein/ginger wartballs or whatever alter you wish to comment under today. sorry tho other sight bores the eff out ya because you can't troll harass and attempt to malign people,but if you haven't noticed, theres no tolerance for it here and quite literally, you are useless. Even sadder is that your obsession with me continues, so you come to comment and try and slip in , and are ignored. Must suck:( for anyone that doesn't know the history, or know of you from previous site, they are quite lucky . But if can't help yourself to show up as,it seems so many are doing , try 2 things1) swallow your pride a bit and cease the absurd , cryptic comments which amount to nothing more than- well reflecting your own envy 2) stop being a coward and post under 1 screenName oh bold one. The majority of us are here having a great time with a great attitude, if you can't manage that because of your massive feelings of inadequacy- well, might I suggest a visit to the self help section of Barnes and Nobles?

  32. Tricia136:12 AM

    Ps: it isn't low to guess someone who may or may not fit a blind., even if beloved (certainly by me) Hence the preface of "it pains me"
    That is the last second I'm wasting on you.................

  33. Ginger Haired Pig Balls6:48 AM

    you overreact to criticism. This is the first time I said anything to you, and you become abusive. Its also apparent you think you're running things here now. do you own this website? NO. And your selfish behavior deserves to be criticized. You're happy to malign a wonderful man who sadly suffered from depression from which he could not recover. All you care about is giving the impression to the people who don't know any better that you've got some inside track in the entertainment world. Readers who've spent any time here know you don't know anything or anyone involved in entertainment. You'll go on with some far fetched theory, drowning out all other guesses. Then when the blind is revealed and you are proven wrong you just pretend you didn't read that reveal. You are the one who needs to make some changes and you can start by keeping your fucking mouth shut when you don't know what you're talking about.

  34. Tricia136:53 AM

    I rest my case^

  35. Jeez, trollypeople-ease the fuck up and leave Tricia alone. Seriously.

  36. back again7:52 AM

    -This wouldn't even be a Blind Item if this is Bill Cosby & Hugh Hefner b/c of all the articles re: Hugh distancing himself from his old friend Bill Cosby in the wake of all the rape allegations.Alot of pictures of them in the '70s accompanied the articles.
    -In the BI, that ONE sentence:"Sometimes though the woman you wanted to be with did not want to be with you" DOES make me think Bill Cosby b/c of possible prejudice.. And, a few Quaaludes which were the Pez of the 70's&80's could've possibly diffused that.

  37. hothotheat7:55 AM

    Hef - Celebrity
    Saginor - DF
    Cosby - almost (at that time) A list movie star

    Elvis didn't need to drug women. I would think something would have been said around H'wood about Michael Douglas.

  38. back again8:19 AM

    *or SHOULDN'T be a Blind Item if this is Bill Cosby with Hefner ..i should say b/c of above-it's already been publicly discussed & pictured all over all of the outlets 6 weeks ago!!

  39. back again8:28 AM

    Well, we are all wrong for the almost A movie actor & for the tv show---- we got the rest though...

  40. Planet J8:39 AM

    Who was it?

  41. pRiNcEsChOwMaIn12:00 PM

    The truth hurts.

  42. back again1:08 PM

    it says: Almost A Actor:James Caan;
    TV Show: "Brian's Song";
    A Celebrity: Hugh Hefner;
    DF: Dr. Marc Saginor

  43. back again1:08 PM

    who knows......

  44. Chevy Chase

  45. Ginger hair you can fuck right off and leave Tricia alone. She's cool as fuck and has good guesses and never harassed anyone or bored anyone with details of her life off topic unlike SOME skanky redheads
    Derek people on anarchy still ask about you and wonder where you've gone - it's a ghost town over there so you did the right thing buddy

  46. Tricia138:50 AM

    ^ much appreciated Ra:)

  47. shibajonz10:01 AM

    Brian's Song was not a TV show. It was a TV movie.

  48. No worries got you momma! X

  49. ROBYNSING10:37 PM

    We know its Hef and Doc Sanginor. For me it's really hard to buy that Michael Douglas needed to drug anyone...women were throwing themselves at him. James Caan lived there for a year in the 70s and seems a likely candidate, but he never had his own series. Dr. Sanginor was banned from the mansion for assaulting women and was accused of bringing women back to his apt. in Westwood (literally next door to Holmby Hills) and drugging them and taking nude photos of them and trying to get them to be hookers with he and an accomplice as their pimp. The only thing that keeps me from thinking Sanginor didnt teach Cosby about "spanish fly" is that in '69 Cosby said he knew about "spanish fly as a teen...but, this blind says the doctor taught him about the effects and what to use so it could still be Cosby---doesnt matter if its obvious, it is still enlightening

    1. Spanish fly as a concept is one thing. But cosby spent 50 years exclusively drugging raping women. And women who werent even partying just having a drink. So someone taught him something.

  50. shoesandpurses12:29 AM

    Bill Cosby does have a dr of edu degree.

  51. is this about emily marie burnett from memphis the grade b actress?
