Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blind Item #3

I wouldn't call it hazing but there is definitely some fat shaming of a person who is not fat on the set of a new show. This A-/B+ list mostly television actress who was recently on a hit show brought her bad reputation with her and has been muttering to anyone who will listen that her much younger B list mostly movie actress co-star should drop a few pounds and always always says something when she spies the younger actress eating anything.


  1. Tricia1312:01 AM

    Lea Michele and

  2. Tricia1312:03 AM

    Lea Michele-Abigail Breslin

  3. June Gordon12:50 AM

    I know most of you all will say that it ain't your experience, but I always find post abortion weight the hardest to shake!!!!

  4. Kno Won Uno12:57 AM

    I say fight back with some accidental/unintentional schnoz shaming: "I can't believe she just inhaled *again*! My God, how much air does that honker consume?! Oops - did I say that aloud?"

  5. Kno Won Uno12:58 AM

    IDK....I've been shaking this baby weight for 37 years. The struggle is real.

  6. Lila Fowler1:44 AM

    Emma Roberts for the fat shamer.

  7. Easy Peasy2:11 AM

    What about Portia DeRossi for the fat-shamer. She's been on Scandal, right? I don't know if there's another cast memeber that would fit for the shame-ee. PD has had lots of eating issues, obviously, and she's back in that plus drinking/drugging which probs makes her mean.

  8. jilluke6:15 AM

    lea Michelle and Kate uptown are filming together right now. Maybe????

  9. Though both Lea and Emma seem to have bad reps, I'm going with Lea (maybe just because I did really like Emma on her 2 seasons of AHS). So, Lea, being her charming self, to Abigail on the set of Scream Queens. The Lea/ Kate Upton movie hasn't started filming yet.

  10. Suppa8:38 AM

    Lea Michele (ugly human being)

  11. Persiaa1:07 PM

    Abigail could just say "I can be thinner, but you can't be younger."
