Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blind Item #4

This A list mostly television actor on a long long running network show is getting divorced. His soon to be confronted him recently with photos of him with 10 other women that were not something that could be explained as innocent. That is just what she discovered in their last year of marriage.


  1. Tricia134:31 AM

    Patrick Dempsey

  2. back again4:38 AM

    Who & Why TF do these idiots always have damning evidence like this around & available-- he deserves to be taken to the cleaners for stupidity..(i'm not condoning his's just this cocky narcissistic trend of taking pictures & selfies of all the shite is sooo immature & inane ..but hey,that's just me)

  3. Slacker4:41 AM

    Patrick Dempsey

  4. Frufra5:30 AM

    I'm so old, the only name I could come up with was Patrick Swayze. But I did remember McDreamy. So there's that.

  5. back again5:34 AM


  6. Yep, Patrick's wife has filed for divorce in January, but is it really Patrick? We established in earlier BI's that Patrick lived separately from his wife and probably hooked up with another guy? What about Justin Chambers who was also caught cheating. There was a BI about him as well. Could it be Justin rather than Patrick?

  7. CreCre2:46 PM

    I agree but maybe it's not someone from Grey's. Could it be someone from Law and order SVU or csi. Those shows have been on a long long time.

  8. chris2:47 PM

    Justin Chambers was never caught cheating. He's been married for a long time and his marriage is still going strong. It's Patrick Dempsey whose wife filed for divorce recently. He's always spent a lot of time away from home and has had persistent cheating rumors. He cheated on his first wife too, so repeating that behavior during his second marriage is not a surprise.

  9. Shabazz4:19 PM

    Bastard kept his used scumbags
