Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blind Item #5

This B- list mostly television actress who was on a hit network ensemble show for a long time before it ended a few years back looked so happy the other night when she was out of LA on the east coast with her girlfriend. The married actress and her husband have an arrangement and completely understands and supports her and she would never leave him. When she is out of town is the only time she feels safe to be out with her long time lover.


  1. Tricia1312:46 AM

    Marcia cross

  2. Stephie12:47 AM

    Marcia Cross

  3. I never found her attractive. Her botoxed five-head was always a bother to me.

  4. I think that's nice.

  5. Erin C12:26 PM

    Yes, great example of pride and loving you for you. Why does she hide? She doesn't have to.

  6. kittykatty9:39 PM

    The lover is Lauren Graham
