Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blind Item #6

She does workout. A little. 15 minutes a day at the most. She says she works out for hours each day. The truth though is this A list reality star from that A list reality show everyone should hate spends most of the time at the gym drinking coffee, chain smoking and playing on her phone. Her main secret to losing weight is her old friend coke. She does a ton of it. She thinks she has everyone fooled with a few workout selfies.


  1. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    khloe k

  2. Tricia131:01 AM

    Kloe k

  3. Planet J2:05 AM

    They let you chain smoke at the gym? WTH?..LOL..Well,it is Hollyweird. I guess I can believe it.

  4. Too easy...Klhoe K. And I do believe that almost everyone is now getting on the hate fence. This family is just trash and they keep getting trashier the more money they make. Shameful.

  5. I bet she smells good after chain smoking. YUCK!

  6. Robynsing12:05 PM

    Yeti kardashian

  7. […] believe this Blind Item about her, which says: “She does workout. A little. 15 minutes a day at the most. She says […]
