Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blind Item #9

This A+ list mostly movie actress has been going to the same three restaurants for lunch for years. Total amount of food eaten off the thousands of dishes she has ordered? Maybe a total of a salad or two. She never eats. Ever. Even when she was pregnant. She sits and talks to her friends and drinks water and maybe eats a bite of lettuce.


  1. tricia 134:11 AM

    anjelina Jolie

  2. Mish-mash4:48 AM

    this one is easy, I don't know how she say upright without eating something

  3. Mish-mash4:49 AM


  4. stacy4:55 AM

    Am I the only who cant read the story? All I have is an empty box.

  5. slim shady5:02 AM

    I read the comments and try to guess the BI

  6. tricia135:22 AM

    no the site is whack...:(

  7. Kno Won Uno5:23 AM

    +1, Empty Box

  8. my guess is blank. cause thats what THE BOX IS.

  9. whoever is running this site gives zero f**ks.

  10. And-so-on..6:25 AM

    She loves fresh fruit, veg, meats and some cereal.. she said so..

  11. Planet J6:41 AM

    Blank Box FTW

  12. Empty box here too! I'm on a desktop. I know mobile users were having problems for the longest time...maybe Enty decided it should suck for everybody?

  13. JayJay10:51 AM

    Couldn't this possibly be her health issues? A lot of people that are sick don't feel like eating anything. Or can't keep any food down. Maybe she wanted to go out and spend time with her friends. Actually, that sort of disqualifies Angie because she doesn't have any friends!

  14. @jayjay - I have a question for everyone cause Im trying to connect the dots with all the blinds. so jolie I assume has some cancer issues where her future is up in the air? I mean, is she really terminal? or is she just in remission? I dont know. all I know is that if she died the media would freak the f**k out. meltdown.

  15. Zilla11:13 PM

    Sooooo..she does her eating at home, and restaurants are for socializing. No biggie.

  16. JayJay2:49 PM

    She's claimed her procedures were not because she had cancer, but because she had a gene that made it an almost certainty that she would get cancer. But she had a period where she looked like she was in good health, then before the news broke where she announced she was having a double mastectomy she was looking a little worse for wear. I'm of the opinion that she's sick with something. I don't know if it's cancer or something else, but she was doing real well then right before getting these procedures she starts looking real bad... I don't think it's a coincidence.

    But this is coming from someone that's not talking to her every single day. It's all a guess on my part.

  17. This is Jamie king. She always looks sickly thin. With her current pregnancy she looks like she is drinking , because not only is she super skinny, she has HUGE bags under her eyes, her skin looks dull and damaged and her bump is barely even visible.

  18. French girl6:10 PM

    King is A+ list movie actress??
    Not Jolie .She has no friend except her entourage ( husband,brother,assistant and nannies) and she's anorexic

  19. French girl6:15 PM

    Jolie is anorexic since many years.She has even a huge tattoo on the tummy who says in French " what it feeds me destroys me". She looked healthier during her heroin period.Now she has no muscle ( look her arms or legs)

  20. back again6:35 PM

    damn... i've actually got alot to say re:Angie's current health(from a good source) &/or her surgical(& other)procedures but i'm too damned tired & when i tried to comment before on this Site--it was shooting Blanks--every box was blank..

  21. I agree with French Girl, Jolie doesn't seem to actually have friends.
    Reese W.

  22. back again6:48 PM

    @French Girl- whattup mon cheri ??? -that's just a mean & unsolicited statement & unless you can back your comment up with some hard evidence, i suggest you lose these nasty unsubstantiated barbs or your future comments(which are generally spot -on) will lose their impact.

  23. back again6:55 PM

    @Hegg(&@ French Girl)-you are dead wrong. she has very dear friends &,true to her style,you WOULD'NT know about them. She is the perfect connoisseur of privacy ..She only gives the Media Exactly what she wants the public to know.

  24. Actually Jolie is just following the common procedure choices for women with any BRCA gene. You can choose to have surgery or be checked regularly (more often than those with normal BC risk). The risk percentage is over 80% in her case probably higher due to number of relatives, who have been diagnosed and/or succumbed to BC or OC.
    If you choose surgery they do the masectomy then wait a certain period to do the ovaries ect.
    Standard procedure and choices.
    Good for her for being brave enough to share those choices with everyone. In this instance her celeb factor has made a lot of women go get checked for BRCA genes.

  25. tricia139:55 PM

    morning all(well to me). i have an original B&W print of a close up photo of Angie reclining in a chair , showing off that tattoo(on her tummy).ItIt hangs in my living room.It was given as a gift from Gilles Bensimon, who did the shoot...Its a beautiful photo and a very poignant pix...What is says is "what nourishes me also destroys me" in Latin. And it isnt literal, rather a metaphor for her tortured relationship with her father , and how profoundly love can hurt and pain one.

  26. tricia139:57 PM

    absolutely right@back again:)

  27. back again10:47 PM

    hiya @tricia--that's awesome that you have that print--done at such a transitional time in her life..and by GILLES...HOW DREAMY!!! The quote's allegedly from Christopher Marlowe(Shakespeare's somewhat competitor)from his 'Doctor Faustus'- "That which nourishes us becomes that which destroys us" based obviously on the Faust Allegory that one's quest for fame,fortune(ambition,greed,attention,etc )will end up killing one's soul...Sooo,it's interesting that Anjelina twerked it in such a way & personalized it to involve TWO actual people(& she's obviously alluding to her Dad as the Devil figure i guess) Hmmm,intriguing... great lil' aside there as always @Tricia : )

  28. back again10:51 PM

    +1 @Chaz

  29. She has no health issue -- she is and was always cancer free. Unless you're talking about her being batshit crazy.

  30. tricia1311:39 PM

    thanks@BA...its a special piece. Thanks for providing the backstory to the quote:)i believe that all of the above informed that tatoo...

  31. Malibuborebee2:43 AM

    True. JayJay said it upthread too - Jolie has no friends. She's also not going to the same three restaurants for lunch all the time, she moves around too much and doesn't eat out that often. Jaime King is not an A+ list actress.

    I would think Kidman but she's no longer A+ and doesn't seem to have any friends either. Julia and Meryl and Sandy all eat.

    It must be Dame Judi Dench.

  32. Malibuborebee5:03 AM

    Good call. She actually has friends, she's A+, I didn't know she didn't eat but it wouldn't be a surprise.

  33. Malibuborebee5:04 AM

    Meaning it's possibly Reese, it's definitely not Jolie.

  34. Malibuborebee5:07 AM

    Ahh... St. Angie of the Blessed Surgeries, gotta love that PR.

  35. Emeraldcity4:58 PM

    I have a good friend who is a famous fung shui expert, absolutely spot on with his predictions using the Chinese Pillars of destiny. When there was talk of Angelina having a terminal illness a few weeks back I asked him if he would look at her chart.....Answer: she has a 20year cycle (from 2011 ) of accumulative health problems both genetic and self inflicted a few rocky years here and there in the future, but will certainly live into her mid to late 50s probably dying of complications brought on by an infectious disease, associated with chills and fevers. Not a long life by today's standards but no an immediate demise either. There will also be an attempt on her life, a close call in 2023.
