Sunday, March 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 31, 2014

No more Teen Mom blinds until the New Year. I promise. I usually only write about 3 or 4 of them anyway so think of it as entry level blind item guessing. This one is the drug addict. No, not the pill popper who cheats, the other one. Yeah, her. Apparently she is doing some kind of drug that is making her paranoid. She literally thinks everyone is out to get her and if you thought she could be dramatic and a pain before, then this drug is ten times worse.

Jenelle Evans


  1. Good riddance. 15 minutes not up yet? Geez!! Get rid of these morons!!

  2. Still trying to push down the losers who are using the comments section for Free Advertising. Just need two more comments to push them out completely. Wish someone else was online atm to help. =/

  3. Okay, last comment...hopefully it works. Anyone else online? Please comment. Just say hello, anything to push the assholes free ads down from the recent comments list.

  4. Crap. Need one more. Okay, last random post. I promise. [=

  5. Angela612:16 AM

    Meth is a bitch. How's that Glue?

  6. Can we extend the Teen Mom boycott until the end of 2015? Sincerely, EVERYBODY.

  7. Amanda Maone12:50 AM

    My eyes glaze over & I skip on to the next blind when I see a Teen Mom blind Enty. I hope you keep to your promise.

  8. Emily1:19 AM

    I don't mind teen mom blinds.

  9. You ROCK Angela6! Thank you!

  10. Miss Beca1:37 AM

    I'd rather a Teen Mom blind than another real housewives of wherever blind!

  11. Derek Harvey1:48 AM

    Is your name Glue because you sniff glue? I never see anyone advertising anything here (well besides their own crazyness) and do you have any authority to change anything? If so fix the lousy format....

  12. Harriet Craig3:07 AM

    I don't see any advertisement here. What are y'all talking about?

  13. Getting knocked up as a teen does NOT mean you are a celeb.
    I skip these and RHOwherever.
    Ban them all.
