Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 8, 2014

This B- list mostly television actress from a fairly hit pay cable show was overheard talking about one of her co-stars who she used to date. She says the hardest acting she ever has to do is pretending she even likes the guy after he cheated on her multiple times during the brief time they dated and that even though he has a girlfriend now he says that he would love to get back together with the actress.

Lizzy Caplan/Michael Sheen


  1. Violet1:48 AM

    cheating aside, Michael Sheen is downright adorable.

  2. back again4:00 PM whom?...Jane Volturi maybe??? That 'aside' sucks a good lot of the adorableness out of him imo & just adds to his cringeworthiness...
