Saturday, March 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 28, 2014

This B list celebrity who is known more for his family rather than anything he has done for others had to pay some big bucks recently after he was groping bartenders at a West Hollywood club. The attention was not wanted, especially coming from the sweaty old guy name dropping every five seconds. Our B lister paid out about $5K in tips among the three bartenders to make them happy.

Joe Simpson


  1. June Gordon2:14 AM

    I think you mean Shoe Salesperson Jessica paid the bartenders. Joe was just holding the money.

  2. Penelope 24:12 AM

    Males or females?

  3. June Gordon4:18 AM

    Penelope: That's adorable that you even ask.

  4. Penelope, Joe is gayer than gay.
