Monday, March 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed - Revisited #2


This blind from June of last year was revealed in October. You really don't see them together much any longer. They are always out alone.

June 2, 2014

The husband of this A list mostly movie actress had to have the lower portion of his ear lobe reattached last week after his wife yanked on the earring in his ear during a fight. One of these two is going to end up seriously hurt or dead if they keep fighting like this.

Olivier Martinez/Halle Berry

1 comment:

  1. He's ALWAYS alone and very often at the liquor store before 830 am. She was spotted a couple of weeks ago though with a busted lip, so perhaps they still see one another at times. He ought to just divorce her ....she isn't meant for human relationships.
