Saturday, March 21, 2015

Blind Items Revealed- Revisited

I revealed this blind item from November last month but thought it seemed appropriate to revisit it considering what has happened this week in the news.

November 25, 2014

This foreign born supermodel turned reality star turned producer turned she does everything confronted this A list band member at an event Sunday and told him to get his act together. She said she knew heroin sickness when she saw it. She saw it all the time with models.

Heidi Klum/Zayn Malik


  1. sandybrook4:02 AM

    At least she tried.

  2. I love how their PR team is trying to spin a cheating scandal into a mental health issue. #Sorrynotsorry your cheating ass got caught and you're having trouble with the blow back.

    I hope he gets clean but I doubt he will. I'm hearing rumors he's going to get kicked out of the group. He should go to rehab and try to sort his life out.

  3. He will release a song with naughty boy. The man who kicked started sam smith's career so he'll be fine. How is he gonna cheat on a fake relationship? His real relationship is with his man...Liam Payne..Ziam.....
    and if drugs meant no career literally half of the musicians who are #1 on the charts would not be there. The music business is full of coke heads and stoners...lmao.

  4. katiepotatey6:18 AM

    does she mean oxy or heroin heroin?

  5. +1 for heidi caring enough to reach out.

  6. Fun list of artists with rumored substance issues..
    my fan girl outrage has been activated .lol.
    1. Maclemore : admitted to being a former addict goes to AA five times a week:)
    2. Lady Gaga: coke
    3. Arianna Grande and Selena Gomez: coke heads
    4.katie perry: alcoholic and coke
    5. recovery/sober but admitted addict.:)
    6. Rhianna: weed and alcohol but reportedly cutting down :)
    7.miley Cyrus:.weed mostly.been hospitalized for 'exhaustion' multiple times. This list could be much longer but my point is if zayn is dealing with addiction he needs support not bullying behavior.

  7. Emily7:06 AM

    I feel like it's so typical for young and new stars to get messed up on drugs. Whatever they have to go through to get fame must mess them up in the head so badly they'd rather be high than face reality.

  8. @shinealight - my last year in college, I was on heavy painkillers for chronic pain. Do I need the prescription meds? Yes? Do I need them in those amounts? Hell no. I wish someone would have kicked my ass at the time.

  9. hothotheat9:12 AM

    @Shine I agree, it was kind of her to want to help him but that kind of approach was probably more hindrance than help. Especially given that he's an introvert.

  10. I met a guy at a clinic in NY when I lived there. I was getting flu meds or something. His head was shaved. It was a long time ago so not cool like it is today. He told me that he took some drugs and the rehab place punished him like that. He said they were right to do it. He said that you have to be harsh with addicts.

    I also moved in with a suspected alcoholic. I didn't know what they were like. I had to leave in less than a week.

    I steer clear of both types these days and I have to applaud Heidi for having the nerve to stick her nose in and go off on him.

  11. I love introverts but they need to be alive to radiate their special mystery and charm.
