Friday, March 27, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Easy Easy: I don't know why this former A-list pop diva and that blogger are being slow on saying that they're friends again. The blogger posted a video in his website saying that he still doesn't want to be friends with her (lie, they've patched things up a while ago) and that he doesn't want to attend her wedding (another lie, he's going to be her best man!) How long they're going to be going on with this charade of a fake feud is anyone's guess.


  1. MontanaMarriott4:02 AM

    Gaga, Hilton, Yawwwn

  2. Tricia134:02 AM


  3. sandybrook4:03 AM

    Becuz Perez Hilton needs sites like this to kept his name in public and Gaga needs anything she can get

  4. No one cares. They are both yesterday's news.

  5. Derek Harvey4:03 AM

    gaga and perez

  6. Lady Gaga and Perez Hilton.

  7. Perez leaks info to the doorman about her. Well, he has in the past.

  8. Most of Hollywood is fake especially Perez Hilton.

  9. Shalene8:10 AM

    I use to go on Hiltons web page. I stopped after he posted pictures of a minors twat. She wasn't wearing underwear and that is not a good enough excuse. I know plenty of modest women that hate the feel. Anyway, he use to have several - even a 100 comments under every post. I went under two days ago and nobody... I mean he had a comment or two under his post. But, his site seems dead now. Being fake and lying caught up w him

  10. fbksjzjdzfbpdijtrxtrxyvzghgoiqat
