Sunday, March 01, 2015

Mr. X Blind Item #2

What B-list reality star/host/celeb spawn clashed with the bosses of that cable network she worked for because she didn't get that raise she was promised? She was also mad that her cohosts were being unfairly treated on social media and that the network (who were doing nothing to stop the bullying) tried to put a gag order on her. Oh and she's not really friends with the person who was joked about on her show not too long ago, they share an agent.


  1. sandybrook1:18 AM

    Fugly Kelly Osbourne

  2. Kelly Osbourne wouldn't stick up for or defend any co-worker on any show. This is not her. She's an asshole.

  3. M. Brown1:55 AM

    The defense of the co-worker is probably fake but this is Kelly. The rumors about producers being fed up with her behavior and then a demand for more money is why she walked. She doesn't care about Zendaya and probably couldn't care less about Guiliana. The show is probably thrilled to see her go and ratings will go up just out of curiosity about her replacement.

  4. kevinn2:38 AM

    If she's B-list then I'm A++++++ list.

  5. And-so-on..3:11 AM

    Disgruntled Kelly and Rosy O' Donnell ought to hook up.. They would remain in a constant stalemate on to debate and argue about because they naturally hate the same things and have the same pugilistic stance and hothead attitude that scorns the whole stupid world..

  6. Whywhywhy?3:36 AM

    Agree M. Brown

  7. June Gordon11:29 PM

    That little lavender haired piglet need to go the F away and stay there!!!

    She has no talent -- and no business even being known.

  8. Zilla112:07 PM

    Kelly sticks up for victims of discrimination all the time on Twitter, that is who she is. She is always speaking up for social tolerance. So this item describes her pretty well, whether or not people choose to believe it.

    E! on the other hand, has just announced that the new show they have to push will focus on picking apart victims of bad plastic surgery. I hope the whole network collapses.
