Monday, March 23, 2015

Today's Blind Items - Her Turn For Rehab

There was a family dinner last week. Although it was held at a house instead of at a restaurant, one of the participants just looooves talking to her friends and couldn't wait to share what happened. The dinner was held at the home of this former A list singer turned A list reality star turned awful actress turned A list celebrity turned A list at what she does as long as it does not involve singing or acting. Our A lister has a drug problem. Not just a little tiny one either. A big problem. What was just some Adderall to help her lose weight has turned into a coke problem of huge proportions. Not helping at all is her enabling significant other who was also there and half asleep because he had been drinking all afternoon. Dad was there on his cell phone and wouldn't stop texting/e-mailing/looking at naked photos. Mom was there but not in her kerchief. Also there were some other family members, one of whom is the big talker and the reason this family gathering took a turn from dinner to almost war. This other family member is a celebrity in her own right and is now clean. For now. She wasn't though and the family. including the A lister acted all high and mighty when they told the family member she needed rehab and she was going to disgrace the family and they even managed to get her into rehab twice for a total of about 36 hours. She had huge issues and to be fair was a much bigger user than our A lister is now, but the A lister is fast approaching that usage and has much much more to lose. Our family member kept telling the A lister she needs to go to rehab and kept trying to get everyone else at the table on her side and see her point of view, but no one wants to go against the meal ticket. No one would say anything stronger than maybe the A lister should cut back. The conversation started getting louder and more heated and when the A lister and the family member stood up on either side of the table and started yelling at each other a security guard rushed in to break it up and the A lister kicked out the family member and her guest.


  1. Tricia133:12 AM

    Jessica and ashley Simpson

  2. Pen-a-lope3:13 AM

    Jessica Simpson.

  3. sandybrook3:14 AM

    Tl;dr but Tricia right

  4. French girl3:19 AM

    Jessica Simpson and her family

  5. Kno Won Uno3:24 AM

    Agree - the Simpsons. Papa Joe's everywhere today after acting weirder than usual over the weekend. He seems to be affecting the Miley Cirus tongue flail.
    And Jessica was pretty bajiggedy in that E! red carpet interview. Yikes!
    I can't figure out why some awful families get continual derision and some are virtually ignored. Maybe I should break it down by state of origin or haircolor.

  6. Kno Won Uno3:25 AM

    I forgot-
    @Enty, love the "Ma [not] in her kerchief" thing.

  7. None of the Simpsons are, or ever were A-list. Not them

  8. And-so-on..3:35 AM

    And, when she has digestion, motor skill coordination and scary heart problems, blood clots and her sinus, nose caves in, and her voice is ruined then her declining health and coping welfare is in danger is not a rehab debate.. it's death and destruction come soon, for reals..

  9. Too convienent for Simpson given last week Cant be Simpson father and mother Joe wasnt even in area last week and neither was Ashlee. joe not in NYC till after Jessica.. It is interesting that Enty now has the story after the fact. Rest assured its not Jessica

  10. Derek Harvey4:03 AM

    I saw that too! They were making fun of her on The Soup---she looked like she was on meth!

  11. hahaha, I wasn't the only one who thought Jessica Simpson.

  12. Jessi4:06 AM

    Jessica is A list, unfortuntely. This reads like she kicked out Ashley & Evan.

  13. hunter4:43 AM

    I saw a pic of Ashley getting out of a car a few days ago and she has put on some weight - I was surprised because I'm accustomed to her being junkie-skinny. Being clean would explain it.

    Just because we can nail the whereabouts of the Simpsons in the last few days doesn't mean this maybe didn't happen two weeks ago.

  14. back again4:47 AM

    This IS Jessica Simpson & Ashlee

  15. back again4:48 AM

    i'm assuming you're being funny cuz Ashlee's baby is due in a short while

  16. texasrose6:06 AM

    Derek - saw her on The Soup too. She was messed up.

  17. Nik Richie of the dirty called it

  18. Who gave an exact time frame? Try harder Jessica's Stan or PR person.

  19. trishbos6:42 AM

    Homer Simpson is totally A list.
    And OJ Simpson is former A list.

  20. Jess Sayin'7:14 AM

    The "Mom was there but not in her kerchief" line implies this happened around Christmas time, since Clement Moore's famous poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" includes the line "with Ma in her kerchief and I in my hat".

  21. Jess Sayin'7:15 AM

    Er, I take that back. It says "last week" right at the top.

    So if NOT the Simpsons, then whom?

  22. Derek Harvey7:30 AM

    See for yourself how drugged up Jessica Simpson is----crazy....

  23. Sarah8:11 AM

    +1. Jessica has been looking a little off lately.

  24. So twitchy and rubber-necky!

  25. it took forever11:38 AM

    sounds like jessica

  26. The 'A list' threw me off. I thought they were at the most presently B-?
