Sunday, April 12, 2015

Blind Item #1 - MTV Movie Awards

At an after party, this still a teenager who is currently filming a popular franchise based on a best selling book series but is most well known for a Disney movie in which she was the lead was at an after party and was seen shooting something into her arm with two guys.


  1. tricia1311:32 PM

    Hailee Stanfield?

  2. sandybrook11:32 PM

    nice run on sentence Enty!

  3. tricia1311:33 PM

    haaha.Disney =foreign language to me:(

  4. back again11:52 PM

    Asa Butterfield- Artemis Fowl Movie?

  5. back again12:00 AM

    BTW, I call Bullcrap on this Blind-- i don't believe this one at all.

  6. Tricia1312:14 AM

    More and more they seem that way@ BA:(

  7. Princess Kate2:42 AM

    Think it's a she, not a he

  8. LimoMan4:43 AM

    1) Female
    2) Still a teen (13-19)
    3) Lead in a Disney movie
    4) Currently filming a book franchise

    I haven't got a clue.

  9. back again7:59 AM

    @Princess Kate, oops! Thanks!

  10. DoctorMaybe5:35 PM

    My instinct is to guess Elle Fanning (17 years old, from "Maleficent"), but I can't find any book franchise she's currently filming, unless "Io" is a book franchise.

  11. JayJay12:41 AM

    She's not known for a Disney movie, which usually implies some kind of cheesy family movie. She was nominated for an Oscar for the Cohen Brother's version of True Grit. I'm thinking it's someone, (although not her,) like Vanessa Hudgens or the girl that was just in Cinderella, (the one with Cate Blanchett, not Into The Woods with Meryl Streep.)

  12. back again12:47 AM

    @JayJay, Lily James is who you're thinking of.She's also on Downton Abbey.I don't think she's filming a Franchise though. : )

  13. JayJay12:49 AM

    That's the one! It's hard with some of these blinds because I don't have kids yet and am not really exposed to the Disney types that often.
