Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Blind Item #1

Apparently our B list mostly movie actress with the A+list name recognition is not happy with just one married guy. She is now hooking up with a second married guy who is much older and richer than her main guy. I wonder if it is a thing to make the other guy jealous.


  1. sandybrook11:31 PM


  2. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Katie Holmes

  3. sandybrook11:32 PM

    I wanted to say Katie but she has plenty of money from the silencing settlement.

  4. Tricia1311:35 PM

    That could be true@sandy.....is Lindsay back to a Blist film actress thiugh(god say it ain't so)! Let's keep her across the pond kissing toads and doing bad theatre:)

  5. sandybrook11:38 PM

    He has jumped Lindsay to A list upon occasion.

  6. In order to be a Hollywood actress, here are the qualifications:
    1) be a whore (I mean escort); 2) hook up and make a rich guy fall in love with you; 3) Marry the rich guy (if he is already married, break up the marriage); 4) make him a baby (this is to ensure monthly pay checks at least for 18 years) 5) convince him you need a Hollywood Hills mansion as your home (whether he lives there or not) 6) Marry him. then a year or so later, divorce the fool; 7) During divorce proceedings, argue that the prenuptial agreement was signed under duress (judge will throw it out.) 8) walk away with half his wealth (or half of his remaining wealth since previous wife will have taken (most of) the first half!) 9) Be sure you are the first marriage for the rich fool! :-)

  7. MontanaMarriott12:30 AM

    I don't believe that is true. Wasn't it reported that she received a very paltry sum from TC since she had signed an ironclad pre-nup?

  8. *takes notes* *moves to LA*

  9. June Gordon12:48 AM

    Is Lindsay even working anymore? I mean other than under a banquet table at a convention of Arabs? Certainly NOT in movies. I will pray for her sorry ass.

  10. sandybrooki2:23 AM

    $400,000/yr plus all the millions she could get for the jewelry he let her keep. Assuming she sells it of course. There must be some from the organization that we don't know about. They wouldn't let that go public in any case.

  11. Planet J2:37 AM


  12. it took forever4:58 AM

    goop anyone or is that bitch a list

  13. I consider Goop A list talent at least since she made me cry in one of her movies.

    With two kids, an almost ex husband, a boyfriend and a home and business to run, where would she get the time or energy for another guy?

    I know, I'm naive, but I like it.

  14. Judge Judy9:17 AM

    where does it state the motivation is $$$$.It clearly suggests its to make the guy jealous.Lindsey HoHan is not a Blist actress in film at the moment,she sthe train wreck/formerA/reality wanna be blah blah.
    This is Katie Holmes and her married producer man.(+ the 2nd gut she cheating with).

  15. Judge Judy9:21 AM

    also wasnt she the BI answer or favorite to the mistress left stood up by her married lover?That make me wanna do the jealousy game!
