Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Blind Item #2

This former B list mostly television actress from a recently ended hit network show says she felt like a third wheel and completely dishonest for not saying anything because her B+ list mostly movie actor co-star (with a long time significant other) was and is hooking up with their foreign born B- list mostly movie actress co-star.


  1. Kno Won Uno11:53 PM

    I'm suspicious of this 'feeling dishonest' thing. Why'd she feel like a third wheel? This sounds like jealousy & sour grapes to me.

  2. Tricia1311:54 PM

    Agron/Rhys Meye/Margot Robbie...dunno at baggage claim lol

  3. Lazy Daze12:31 AM

    I am thinking this is the cast of how I Met your mother.

  4. back again12:51 AM

    @Lazy, i.e. Cobie Smulders & Hayley Atwell(b.London) &.. pick one-Idris Elba,etc
    from "The Avengers-Days Of Ultron"
    I call Bullshite on this though b/c what t.v actress from a show that's over who gets an oppurtunity to be in a movie w/mostly movie co-stars is going to burn her bridges by exposing this---total career suicide & thus, it didn't happen.. so there!!!

  5. Jess Sayin'6:06 AM

    Well, Cobie's pretty franchise-protected. Plus she worked with Alyson Hannigan for 9 years, so she's almost in the Whedon Company of Players in a second way; I think she'll survive the occasional loose lip.

    Definitely Hayley Atwell as the other woman, and the cheater appears to be Don Cheadle. Everybody else in the movie is either married (RDJ, Ruffalo, Samuel L.), newly-dating (Evans), gay (Renner), foreign-born (Big Dris), foreign-born AND married (Hemsworth, Skarsgard, Bettany, Taylor-Johnson), mostly known these days for TV rather than movies (Spader) or not successful enough to be B+ list (Anthony "Who?" Mackie). Cheadle is the only American with a certain amount of film success and a longterm partner. Oh, Rhodey…

  6. TreesAreEvil6:11 AM

    How about Amy poehler (or Rashida or Aubrey)/ Chris Pratt/ ???

  7. back again7:05 AM

    I looked but no movies wherein they're costarring w/movie stars;
    I looked @The "Parenthood" group too..

  8. back again7:12 AM

    @Jess, Idris Elba plays Heimdall in "Avengers-Age Of Ultron" & he has a partner,not married.Unless his part's just a voice he's up there with Don Cheadle for possibilities-& Idris IS a playa(ie:Naomi Campbell)

  9. back again7:13 AM

    BTW,I LOVE Anthony Mackie!!!!

  10. back again7:16 AM

    damn..Anthony Mackie has a long term girlfriend too...that'd bum me out if it's him.
