Thursday, April 09, 2015

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is giving the superhero thing another shot after his first bomb into the genre told a fan to f**k off the other day when she asked for a photo. Still, Mr. Nice Guy. The crew hates him on his movie too and not just because his cod piece has been increased four times at his insistence.


  1. June Gordon11:47 PM

    Ryan Reynolds. Who has a nice size YKW anyway.

  2. sandybrook11:47 PM

    Mr. Blake Lively

  3. tricia1311:48 PM

    Christian Bale

  4. Ryan Reynolds?

  5. Georgia12:07 AM

    I'll go with Reynolds too, even though I think he is not A but B lister...
    That said, he and Lively found each other apparently. She's also rumored to be rude too, her sweet image seems to be just a facade.

  6. French girl12:12 AM

    Tell me what superhero movie he is doing?

  7. French girl12:14 AM

    Many persons met her and tweet how friendly she is on twitter

  8. June Gordon12:14 AM

    He's just angry about Bradley Cooper stealing his career.

  9. June Gordon12:15 AM

    Blake was certainly "friendly" to Ben Affleck when they did a movie together . . .

  10. Rebecca12:20 AM

    Definitely RR and Deadpool is sounding more and more like it will be another flop...

  11. Ben is from South Boston. He wouldn't take any of Ryan's shit in the first place. Ask Mark, or Donnie or Paul 'Walburgers.'

  12. French girl12:25 AM

    Affleck is friendly with many women

  13. tricia1312:25 AM

    dont think he is...just liked throwin his name in as an Ahole lol.

  14. From my past film crew experience, IF a film star is hated by the crew, the film will be a disaster. Film crews work long hours and will only work hard for a star who treats them kindly.
    For example: I once worked with a crew member who worked with Frank Sinatra AND John Wayne.
    He said Sin-ass-tra (his word for Frank) was an asshole to the crew; the crew was always walking on egg shells; and IF you made a mistake, Sin-ass-tra would go off verbally abusing the crew member.
    He also said John Wayne was always kind to the crew. John understood what it took to get a movie made. And, the crew member said John always ate with the crew members. That goes such a long way in building support on a film set.

  15. Kno Won Uno12:37 AM

    The wanker boys on reddit are positively breathless about it.

  16. Erin B12:54 AM

    Thanks for the stories, David! Very interesting.

  17. Granda2:36 AM

    Ben is not from South Boston...his character in Good Will Hunting was, but he was born on the other side of the river from Boston - a Cambridge boy, like Damon...
    Donnie made a movie about Southie, but that was it. They are from the Neponset section of Dorchester, which is middle and working class, and next door to S. Boston...MOVIES ARE NOT REAL, people, get a clue

  18. SHINE3:20 AM

    Ryan Reynolds - Green Lantern/Deadpool

  19. Erika6:27 AM

    It's Ryan.
    Born in Canada, Green Lantern flopped, now he's Deadpool.

  20. John Wayne ate with the crew, great to hear that.

  21. Easy peezy dick RR.
