Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blind Item #3

This former B list mostly television actress got fired from her one big break which was a long running almost network show. She lost that job because of drugs and lost a friendship to an A+ lister because of it. At Coachella this past weekend she quickly changed back into pants after people at a party spotted open sores all over her legs.


  1. Derek Harvey12:00 AM

    jessica szhor

  2. What drugs are the sores on her legs meant to be from? Krokodil?

  3. Could the "open sores" be from cutting herself? It's a symptom of BPD. So, is "self medicating."

  4. Derek Harvey12:47 AM

    or using needles

  5. the more you know4:26 AM

    You get sores from doing too much meth and freaking out about bugs crawling under your skin.

  6. gadzooks6:32 AM

    I've seen recent pictures of szhor in a short dress. Not sores. Has to be someone else, or this has happened very quickly.
