Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Blind Item #7

Never known for being subtle, this former A- list singer who achieved that height thanks to some serious songwriting help is now a B list singer living off her name. At a party this week, the singer started talking loudly about how she loved having sex with this actor/director and was going into great detail about then when and the where and didn't even care that his wife was listening. Apparently this happened before marriage, but maybe while dating the wife.


  1. Derek Harvey1:32 AM

    Jewel and Richard Linklater

  2. Tricia131:34 AM

    Eli Roth and

  3. Derek Harvey1:35 AM

    Courtney Love and someone

  4. Tricia131:35 AM

    Eli Roth/Pink

  5. snitty1:40 AM

    Does Ed Norton direct some? If so, Courtney Love and him

  6. Derek Harvey1:43 AM

    yes he does --c love and ed norton

  7. What do I know?4:08 AM

    Lady Gaga? A while back she insinuated that she writes all of her songs on her own. Later a report came out about exactly how many people were really involved in the writing. It was a lot of people.
