Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Old Hollywood

November 14, 2012

This actress was never a huge star even back at the peak of her career. She probably reached B list at one point at her career. It was all movies all the time. She struggled to find her way in US films, and made her biggest films outside the US. This did not stop her from being one of Warren Beatty's conquests while she was married. Not that she was immune to having affairs. She had a baby with a man who she later married but he was still married at the time she got pregnant and kept the news from the child until he was a teen. She said that she was abused in every relationship she was ever in. She had another baby that died shortly after child birth that she told everyone was her husband's but was actually the product of an affair, but not another affair. Yes, she was having several affairs simultaneously. She made a lot of money which one of her husbands stole from her leaving her penniless at her death which was called a suicide, but never officially ruled as one. Some people say she was murdered by her abusive husband who stole all her money then ran away. Others say she was murdered by the government.

Jean Seberg


  1. Gilly2:08 AM

    She supported the Black Panthers in the 60's. It's also theorized the government killed her.

  2. Kno Won Uno2:21 AM

    I didn't believe that at the time and I still don't. The government would have had to kill a shit ton of people if that was the only criteria for termination.

  3. Derek Harvey2:30 AM

    She lived a wild life. Kirsten Dunst wants to produce and star in a movie about her. I love KD and think she has so much talent but they look nothing a like.

  4. D Brown2:39 AM

    If the government killed every left wing actor/actress in the 1960s then Hollywood would have been a ghost town. Unfortunately she tried suicide a number of times. According to IMDB the daughter died after birth because of complications arising from JS overdosing during the pregnancy. JS then tried to commit suicide on the anniversary of the child's death. Sounds like she had enough torment without needing the government. RIP.

  5. ettacettera2:46 AM

    There's a bio pic from the 90s about her, but I doubt it was widely seen..Mary Beth hurt played her.

  6. texasrose4:01 AM

    She was hot in "Paint Your Wagon."

  7. brook7:05 AM

    Mary Beth Hurt and her are from the same small town in Iowa(marshalltown) that's why she did it.(I am too)

  8. The US government and FBI hounded her, she was one of the biggest targets of the FBI cointelpro project and it was actually after the FBI released a false story that she was pregnant to a black panther member that the stress caused by the press attention etc made her go into premature labour and caused the loss of the child not an OD, this has already been admitted and proven.

  9. What Renie said.

  10. back again12:47 PM

    & they were pissed about her & her Husband's "Kill,Kill,Kill,Kill" Movie thinking that it was an F-U toward them in some way... right?
