Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 27, 2015

This A list mostly television actress from that hit network show we all love got caught in a lie recently but her interviewer just let it pass. Our actress said she live tweeted an episode during her labor even though her labor didn’t actually occur until four days after the episode aired. Our actress loves a good conspiracy theory and this will just bring up more questions.

Kerry Washington


  1. violet2:22 AM

    i don't even get what the conspiracy is here. As it happens i was in slow labour for a week before one of mine was born so, even if anyone cared enough, it 's perfectly possible for her to have been in labour 4 days before the episode was shown.

  2. Rebecca2:35 AM


  3. Kno Won Uno3:09 AM

    Days like this I assume Enty is a 14 year old boy. From another planet.
