Sunday, April 05, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 11, 2014

This B+ list mostly movie actress says she lost all her baby weight by breast feeding, but the trainer she hired for 4 hours per day and her plastic surgeon would say there were other factors besides just breast feeding. Oh, and the double corset she copied from Jessica Alba.

Eva Mendes


  1. dottylassy1:29 AM

    What on earth is Eva Mendes B+? What's the last wide release movie she was in?

  2. Gummibear2:57 AM

    and she loves coca
    she loves coca

  3. JoeJack3:24 AM

    How is she B list? I've never seen her in one thing and I see all the movies. Is she TV?

  4. And-so-on..4:08 AM

    Please protect a ladies privacy and sensitive feelings, plus she is a jokester.. All the lost in the translation minutiae details of how it happened ain't none of your snoopy business, this is how it somewhat happened for all women who have had children.. and then there were these other things she does normally does to stay in shape, but not breast feeding. k?

  5. Penelope 25:35 AM

    She was in Hitch, Training Day, Stuck On You, Ghost Ride, We Own The Night, and I recently watched her in Last Night...she was starring or had supporting roles in each, and is a good actress.

  6. blast6:53 AM

    Pretty confident gosling is still gonna quit it post-hit it.

  7. I think the popular guess was Mila Kunis, we were wrong lol

  8. If I had just had a baby under 17 months ago and an interviewer asked me about 'baby weight', I would knock them in the head!

  9. Erin C5:10 AM

    Whether she actually gave birth is up for debate, but I have to give Beyonce props for what she said in some interview about losing post-baby weight. She said she was on that treadmill for hours a day and ate nothing but salad for weeks. I wish those bitches would just say out loud what we all know.
