Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 9, 2014

This married foreign born sometime A list mostly movie actor and always good looking spent some time in the bathroom at this NYC restaurant having sex with a woman he picked up at the bar. Apparently she bought the open marriage line he likes throwing out.

Daniel Craig


  1. June Gordon12:44 AM

    I wouldn't even make him walk all the way to the durn bathroom. He could do me right there on the barstool. YUM!!!!

  2. it took forever4:52 AM

    his body is nice but his face is a deal breaker

  3. I thought Rachel would put an end to his cheating ways. Chris Rock says it's all about the options, options = cheating.

  4. Jess Sayin'7:24 AM

    Daniel likes those bathrooms, doesn't he? There was that report of him making out with a guy in one, a few years back.

  5. Adam Evans11:47 AM

    your face could be his barstool !
