Friday, April 17, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 26, 2015

This A- list reality star spends most of her prison phone time trying to hammer out a deal for a cooking show and new cookbook so she won’t have to go back to her old show. She is also going to stick it to her old bosses by giving an interview to a different network when she gets out.

Teresa Giudice


  1. Derek Harvey2:48 AM

    Nailed it.

  2. sandybrook2:50 AM

    I don't see what word in this makes this a blind item Capt. Obvious Enty.

  3. Derek Harvey2:54 AM

    Dont rain on my parade haha

  4. sandybrook2:58 AM

    I'm not, I let him know in the original as well

  5. tricia133:07 AM

    so did I sandy..we were both like "AAAAANNND" lol.

  6. Big Al3:26 AM

    Be nice to Derek ladies, he got it first.

  7. WonderRN4:01 AM

    Makes sense, because she won't let Andy Cohen on her prison email list. She's def got a grudge against Bravo.

  8. A Pretty Cat in LA10:09 AM

    Who cares about this Chewbacca woman though? Like seriously, who would watch her show, or worse, spend money to buy her stupid book??

  9. And-so-on..1:31 AM

    They old show shouldn't worry at the loss.. She'll hook up with another criminal, try and hide her profits and back in jail soon enough... she's that dumb.
