Saturday, April 25, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 19, 2012

This former almost A list actress who used to be on a hit show has had so much work done to her face that when she finally got a rare audition for a part she was laughed out of the room. She could make no facial expressions and everything ended up looking like she had a trout pout whether she was supposed to be crying or laughing or smiling. Plus, she went under the knife not that long ago and the scars have not completely healed so she is wearing way more makeup than usual.

Rose McGowan


  1. Derek Harvey1:32 AM

    Wasn't she in a car accident that messed up her face to begin with? If that is the case I have compassion for her and she gets a pass.

  2. Riven3:04 AM

    Yup came here to say that. She probably had some work done before but the accident left her face muscles permanently damaged.

  3. It's sad because I loved her in Jawbreaker, etc, and always thought she had talent/potential. I hope she finds success again

  4. oogabooga3:51 AM

    When I lived in the Midwest she shot a movie in my (smallish) city. Everyone who encountered her said she was warm and friendly. She always gets a pass from me too.

  5. Emily7:34 AM

    Sad, and stop with the car accident excuses that was ten years ago. The girl's been piling on plastic since then. I'll always be a fan of Rose but her acting career is over.

  6. Riven7:48 AM

    The car accident is not an excuse, it's a reason for compassion. You can still clearly see the damage to her right eye, how it lifts unnaturally at the outer corner. Perhaps the plastic surgery since is because the doctors cannot fix the damaged side, making her suffer from self-esteem issues? Perhaps the surgeries have been an attempt to make her face into something she doesn't hate to look at (admittedly with unfortunate results)?

    Empathy and compassion shouldn't be that hard.
