Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 22, 2015

This A list mostly television actor on a long long running network show is getting divorced. His soon to be ex confronted him recently with photos of him with 10 other women that were not something that could be explained as innocent. That is just what she discovered in their last year of marriage.

Patrick Dempsey


  1. Kno Won Uno3:01 AM

    I really want to know (still) how those photos came into existence.
    My brain is anti-fun to watch porn with - there's a constant stream of stupid comments & questions. "OMG, you do realize her eyeliner would have melted off her face, right?" "Poor thing - I think those shoes really hurt. See?! Her toe is bleeding" "That right there is a well done c-section scar, my friend" "Do you think that's waxing or has she had laser hair removal?"
    It's like MysteryPornTheater3000.
    Which is why my question here is - who took the pics?
    Without an answer, I'll go with a private detective.

  2. Smart soon to be ex-wife!

  3. He probably got himself fired off the show so there would be less money to split with her.

  4. Wasn't this already revealed?

  5. @lala I think it's just so obvious, it might as well have been.
