Thursday, April 30, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5 -Kindness

March 16, 2015

This B list mostly television actor from that network comedy that seems to have had a million homes/part-time host gave a ride to five attendees from his own event to another they were attending. They asked him as a joke but he told them all to pile in and apparently did a 20 minute stand up routine for them during the drive.

Joel McHale


  1. Tricia133:35 AM

    love McHale even more now.

  2. oogabooga3:44 AM

    I know. Is there ANYTHING wrong with this man?

  3. Tricia133:47 AM

    yep. i heard he hangs with the Kardashians.
    he is sublime.....

  4. I like how he trashes the Kar-trash-ians on the same network his show is on! :-)

  5. Tricia135:25 AM

    exactly@David! Seacrest as well. Classic.....

  6. this is one of many 'kindness' stories I've heard about the guy. it's good to know there are exceptions in hollywood....

  7. Caroline11:30 AM

    I have a secret crush with Joel, he´s funny, handsome, Smart... <3!!

  8. I've met him a few times and he is exactly like this - always entertaining in such a kind way, like he wants me or whatever random stranger is there to feel completely at ease. He is the epitome of a class act.

  9. Hootspa4:43 PM

    I interviewed him by phone about eight years ago. A delight, and very down to earth.
