Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 6, 2015

This former A list mostly television actor who has also starred in movies is old. He is also trying to spin a story to make himself look better by telling friends that he discovered his actress wife was having an affair with the at the time A+ list mostly movie actor who broke up their marriage once before.

Robert Wagner/Natalie Wood/Warren Beatty


  1. Kno Won Uno2:51 AM

    Well, that could be verified/disputed by the still alive Warren Beatty. Should have picked a dead guy. You'd think he could come up with a better idea in 33 years.

  2. sandybrook2:56 AM

    Desperate men do desperate things.

  3. ettacettera3:15 AM

    Maybe I'm missing something, but how does the story make him look better?

  4. On the outside looking in, I always thought Natalie's death was suspicious. Did she drunkenly fall into Catalina harbor as she was trying to get away from a stressful situation of a threesome?
    Was she pushed because she was done with both Robert and Christopher Walken?
    So suspicious...

  5. Scarlett Drawl3:43 AM

    Splendor in the Grass is one of my favorite movies. I always thought they should have ended up together.

  6. Wendy4:41 AM

    Because there has always been a rumor that he had something to do with her death.

  7. Malibuborebee5:27 AM

    RJ should shut his damn mouth. Natalie had a lot of friends and most of them are still alive.
