Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 29, 2015

This B list mostly movie actress who is on a hit almost television show said she would never be with a cheater again. She already went back once though to her actor boyfriend who cheats and he has not really stopped. She just doesn’t know any other way though. The guy makes it pretty tough on her.

Robin Wright/Ben Foster


  1. Derek Harvey2:14 AM

    Ditch the loser Robin! and he is nasty looking with his big ol head bobbing around....

  2. TopperMadison3:20 AM

    Oh, Buttercup...wait for Westley! He'll always come for you, although I do have to admit he's damn late again.

  3. And-so-on..3:23 AM

    Charlize Theron and Sean Penn can take care of and put out that bag of stinking garbage really quick.. Maybe Robin should drop some sad hints.

  4. Marlowe3:45 AM

    Ben Foster is sexy as hell and a whore, I definitely would. Robin Wright is a doormat obviously, she was married to that douche, Penn for years.

  5. texasrose6:11 AM

    No sympathy for empowered women that put up with this kind of crap. She is not stuck in an apartment with no money and kids.

  6. Thandie8:18 AM

    I was almost that one already revealed. Guess it was just obvious that's it's them.
    Seems like Robin need a good shrink first, not a boyfriend. She's both meekly and volatile.

  7. Does he keeps cheating with the same woman?

  8. I don’t know why we feel bad about this kind of stories. Artsy, serious, intense types like Robin, would never settle with a nice loving guy. She’d be bored after 2 minutes. They seek the drama, the tension, they feed from it, for their performances and art. They need to be challenged and I think they know exactly what are they’re getting into. Besides, wasn’t there a BI about Robin sleeping with Mark Ruffalo? They all have promiscuous and messy relationships, and they love it that way!

  9. I agree, she can do much better though, I’m sure there’s plenty of nicer A-listers that asked her out after the divorce, but I guess she finds douchebags more interesting. I doubt that the cheating is just from his part though, she ain’t no sweet cookie at all.

  10. They’re all fucked up. the 4 of them: Charlize, Sean, Robin and Foster. Wasn’t there plenty of BI about Penn cheating on Charlize with a stunt double, and even a National Enquirer report that he was seen at some LA hotel sneaking with a younger girl? Sean and Charlize are well known coke heads, I don’t know about Robin and Foster drugs consumption but I would bet they’re not easy fellas. I won’t fell bad for any of these fuckers.

  11. Taylor8:51 PM

    Isn't Robin A list by now? Several Emmy and GG noms, a GG win, lots of money and top billing on a critically acclaimed show, a Vanity Fair and many other covers. she's getting top billing on the Jake Gyllenhaal movie Everest too...why lesser stars get higher rating?

  12. Taylor8:59 PM

    I don't find him sexy at all. Robin could do so much better. He was supposed to be the next it guy back in 2007 after 3:10 Yuma, but he lost the momentum, and he has not leading man's charisma and looks, he's confined to supporting roles as the creepy guy. It must be frustating for him, being called the toy boy, having a struggling career and make less money than his more famous, wealthier girlfriend.

  13. Ginger6:43 AM

    If this is true, run Robin. You can do so much better!!!!

  14. Thandie8:56 AM

    She's not even a supporting actress in Everest though. She's only in a few scenes. LOL @ the fact that IMDB lists her first there. And nominations are merely that - nominations, they aren't wins. She's just an ex-soap opera actress that just got lucky.

  15. Thandie8:58 AM

    Doubt it, as last year he was cheating with his co-star in the production of Streetcar in London. He's mostly in NY and LA now.

  16. Taylor9:52 AM

    wow, that’s a lot of hatred you have against Robin, did her dog pooped in your doorway? LOL
    I disagree anyway, if you think about it you could say that same about Julianne Moore. I’d suggest to watch a couple of movies that could make you change your mind: The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, The Conspirator and A Home at the End of the World. She has range and is an amazing actress, just got to find the right movie to get an Oscar, less talented actors got one for mediocre performances, she’s as talented as Julianne, IMHO (and many many others for that matter)
    She did win a Golden Globe though.

  17. Taylor9:58 AM

    oh, about Everest: she may have a few scenes but she’s getting top billing with Jake, Josh and Keira. Kormakur, the director, talked about it at Cinema Con, she and Keira (and Emily) are carrying the dramatic side of the movie. They’re promoting the movie weighting heavily also on them, as much as Jake and Josh and Jason. If that’s not a sign of powerful actress....

  18. Malibuborebee10:02 AM

    She's a wonderful actress but she married Penn after he treated her like shit for years of dating. She used to stand outside the Viper Room and cry while Penn was partying it up inside. The bouncer was under orders not to let her in so she'd stay out there all night. He cheated on her relentlessly all the years they were married. She went back to Foster after he cheated on her. This is obviously what she seeks in men. I'd be interested to know what her father was/is like behind closed doors.

  19. Thandie10:12 AM

    LOL! Oh, wow. Who knew that this one has a fan. GG don't mean shit; they are merely commercial awards that bought by the networks, agents, studios, etc. The only awards that matter are the Oscar, the Emmy and the SAG. Every dipshit noob in the industry knows that.
    And, no - Robin isn't respected in the industry for her talented (or lack of), nor for her personality (or lack of). Most don't think of her much more than a doormat, for allowing herself to be treated the way she did with Sean and repeating the same shit again with Ben.

    She's less than 10 minutes in Everest.

  20. Thandie10:19 AM

    The Viper Room, huh? Wasn't is owned by Johnny Depp? 'em cheaters sticking up for one another, isn't that sweet? Ohh...!

  21. Thandie10:23 AM

    Sure, that's why there's nothing in her prospect, apart from those 10 minutes in Everest and the last (barely renewed) season of HoC.

  22. Thandie10:25 AM

    BTW, love your insight, borebee. Would love to hear more.
