Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #7

February 24, 2015

The fake marriage crowd will probably be happy with this one, but another group won’t be. Apparently that married A list mostly television actress from that hit network show you all love was kissing and hugging and being very intimate at a dinner with this B list comic actor who is height challenged and not all that great looking but has women lining up to go out with him. Oh, and he also sits on his legs while he eats.

Kerry Washington/David Spade


  1. sandybrook3:32 AM

    Jesus he must be hung like a horse to get everyone he gets

  2. MerlinDBear4:12 AM

    Or he can lick his eyebrows.

  3. Does his legs fall asleep before finishing his food?

  4. it took forever4:26 AM

    wonder what her dating history is like she seems to date many white men

  5. B love4:31 AM

    They were probably being playful and nothing but. They took pictures at the vanity fair party together and they just looked like they were messing around/ having fun. This reveal is s little ridiculous.

  6. And-so-on..4:59 AM

    "Humor, witty conversation and fun in a male is more sexy than lying dogs that cheat.."Tea Leoni

  7. June Gordon5:43 AM

    Does David's boyfriend mind????

  8. Jonathan Andrew Sheen5:59 AM

    "Joel, why would anyone want to do that with Mitchell???"

    - Crow T. Robot

  9. sandybrook7:32 AM

    Bwahaha Merlin

  10. TopperMadison7:49 AM

    I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I totally get the David Spade appeal. He's smart, witty, and sarcastic; and that's sexier than any dim-witted, dull, and perfect physical specimen.

    If anyone cares, I can also justify my three-decade's old Billy Joel crush and may be the only person on the planet who thought Christie Brinkley got lucky.

  11. Anonymous2:02 PM

    So why is Kerry Washington in a fake marriage?? Don't get it!! Please explain!

  12. Anonymous3:01 PM

    David Spade seems like an annoying, smarmy, little man. He was funny with Chris Farley back in the 90's, though. I understand Kerry's husband is gay but really, she can do much better than David (and her husband). I don't understand why she married that guy for appearances if she's going to step out with random comedians. Stay single.

  13. alice4:12 AM

    Can we talk about the myth of the big dick’s men who attracts women? It’s just a huge big fat lie and I don’t think women really fall for it, or if they do, they realize it’s just not worth it:
    -A big dick attached to an ugly guy it’s just makes the guy more disgusting, for some reason.
    - It was widely proved scientifically that organs by penetration are very rare. If the ugly guy with a big dick don’t know how to use his tongue and his fingers you’re getting nothing girl. You’re just banging an ugly guy who probably is thinking that he can get away with it.

  14. alice4:13 AM

    * orgasms LOL

  15. June Gordon4:16 AM

    David Spade is gay. This means that Kerry Washington is either gay or seeing someone she shouldn't.
