Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Today's Blind Items - The Bohemian Grove Blackmail

Within the past few years, this Republican Presidential candidate spent ten days at the annual Bohemian Grove party. While there he was apparently videotaped propositioning a male worker there for sex. This male worker arranged for the recording of the politician after the politician was turned down by another male worker. Not only is the proposition recorded but also the exchanging of money and a couple of minutes of footage which leaves no doubt what is going on. All of the footage happened outside under a tree. It is not quite dark so everything is clearly visible. The candidate, who has a very good chance of winning the nomination has been paying the worker several hundred thousand dollars per month to keep the recording secret. I'm actually surprised the guy has not been killed or had an accident. What is going to trip up the candidate is that he is spending campaign money to pay this monthly fee and eventually someone is going to notice.


  1. sandybrook3:13 AM

    This blind is bs. No way that stays quiet in this cutthroat age. Do you think if there was tape of Hilary with her g\f that wouldnt be sold to the highest bidder??

  2. Tricia133:14 AM

    Marco Rubio

  3. MontanaMarriott3:14 AM


  4. Stephanie3:20 AM

    Could it be Rand Paul's nickname is short for randy? ;)


  6. JayJay3:25 AM

    Which would you go for? Several Hundreds of Thousands of dollars every month over several years? Or a one time payment of a couple million? Several Hundred Thousand could mean 500k but even if you went with 300k your talking about $3.6 million a year. Since all of the current contenders for the Republican ticket have basically been talked about for a few years and the blind says a few years ago, then it's easily over $10 million made.

    Now what if this person gets the nomination? You don't think the price will go up? Now what if they become President? During the 2nd term they might not give a shit anymore, but that 1st four years they will be paying an insane amount every month. A one time sale when the person isn't even the nominee yet would just be stupid as hell for the guy with the video.

  7. MontanaMarriott3:26 AM

    According to Wiki, the Bush's are members so it could be Jeb?

  8. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    I agree this is BS because there's literally *NO* GOP candidate that can be thought of as having a good chance of winning as of today. The field is a huge clusterfuck: Bush, Rubio, Walker, Paul, Cruz, Huckabee, Christie, Carson...there are too many of them.

  9. Kno Won Uno3:32 AM

    Only George HW, Prez 1.

  10. sandybrook3:33 AM

    You really don't have campaign funding until you announce you are looking into running and then the PACs and SUPERPACs start funding you. Once the guy sees he has adequate support he announces.

  11. Kno Won Uno3:38 AM

    I'm going to pretend it's Christie, purely for its entertainment value.

  12. JayJay3:42 AM

    No, but all of the potential nominees ran for office at other levels. They got campaigns then. Also, nowadays politicians are raising money constantly, even if they haven't announced. All of these guys had PACs and SUPERPACs from their previous campaigns. And they are still around raising money for a potential presidential run, but also for their re-election campaigns for senator, or for congress, governor, etc.

  13. sandybrook3:43 AM

    I would pretend it was a self righteous hypocrite like Mike Huckabee or Rick Santorum because that would be totally hilarious if it was actually true.

  14. Derek Harvey3:43 AM

    As a Canadian I don't follow American politics so much. In fact, I forgot the Premiere of my province the other day! But I can write you a detailed map of Selena Gomez's dating history and explain which reality stars get more bang for their buck in Dubai......

  15. JayJay3:43 AM

    "They got campaigns then" = They got campaign funds then.

  16. Dave S.3:45 AM

    Lindsey Graham is widely thought to be gay, and has talked about entering the race. No way he's a shoe-in for the nomination, though.

  17. Who's the kid who looks like a bat and was the VP candidate last time? Not sure if he's running, but I'll guess him.

  18. sandybrook3:46 AM

    They have watchdog committees who check what and where they are spending the campaign money they might have.

  19. Same here!

  20. kpist3:52 AM

    I have never called bs on a blind before but Soros would pay unbelievable money for that, so no way would that stay secret

  21. John K.3:54 AM

    It says a good chance of winning, "the nomination." None of those clowns will win the election.

  22. Paint Chips3:55 AM

    This has Rick Perry written all over it.

  23. kpist3:55 AM

    last vp cand for romney was paul ryan, who is not running

  24. RolliPosi4:03 AM

    Isn't that why they all go there? To have sex with each other and pick the next president of the United States?
    First time commenting on a BI!

  25. JayJay4:04 AM

    You are out of your mind if you think they haven't gotten around all of that many times for many years. The most basic way is for the campaign to say they are paying for a consultant, then they pay that person the amount. Those committees can't tell if that person is consulting or not. They don't have to be a consultant that works for a company, they can simply be an individual that say Rand Paul really trust (This is what they would say,) and that Rand really values this person opinion and their consulting fee is a couple hundred grand a month.

    I had an aunt that was in politics for most of her life. This stuff happens all the time and most people in politics laugh at those watchdog committees. Maybe they can catch someone here or there, but for the most part if you list the person as a consultant, or some other vague position, then no one can really say you're lying. Not without the person you're paying telling those watchdogs that he wasn't a consultant.

  26. June Gordon4:05 AM

    I know that W dabbled in dick (and cocaine) but did not know that Jeb did too. I hope his daughter Noelle is no longer turning tricks for crack. Crack is bad news. Meth is a much healthier choice if you eat lots of green veggies.

  27. Kno Won Uno4:06 AM

    There's no clear front runner for the nomination as of today's polls.

  28. ImARoomMom4:11 AM

    Set up an account specifically to answer this one! It's gotta be Marco Rubio. The Grove is a known "gay area" in Miami, and Rubio does have some skeletons in his closet. He's married to a former Miami Dolphins cheerleader, but rumors abound that he conceived 2 children with a different Dolphins cheerleader - these 2 "illegitimate" kids allegedly now live in New York with their mother.

  29. June Gordon4:14 AM

    ImARoomMom This is not about that Grove hon.

    And Rubio having illigit brats does not exactly point to him wanting to suck YKW.

  30. June Gordon4:17 AM

    Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if ALL of the GOP candidates (including Huckabee and Santorum) have had a YWK in they mouths. We know Lindsay and Perry have had it up their YKWs.

    What is throwing me is the "who has a very good chance of winning the nomination." That rules out those four. And points to Bush. The other things that point to Bush is that BGrove is very Old School GOP and he has access to that type of money.

  31. TiniMartini4:20 AM

    Scott Walker- Let's be different and throw WI into the ring.

  32. YourMomsSkirt4:23 AM


    sorry but you couldnt be more wrong.

    Read: http://time.com/3758900/super-pacs-2016/

  33. John K.4:23 AM

    I realize it's early. But at the moment, Hillary leads all GOP contenders by between 12-20% in just about every poll. That is a clear frontrunner.

  34. YourMomsSkirt4:24 AM

    @imaroommom - I second this! also, nice username! I gotta admit Rubio is kind of a hottie.......and Im always attracted to gay men only so this raised a red flag.

  35. John K.4:28 AM

    I'm going to guess John Kasich. Because I think he has the best chance of winning the nomination if he runs.

  36. YourMomsSkirt4:29 AM

    @JuneGordon - if you think having 'legitimate brats' is the hallmark of straightness........LOLOLOLOL - thats why its so convincing and that image can dupe so many people! you probably know at least one married with kids man thats closeted in your life I guarantee it

  37. No effin way4:33 AM

    Im only here to say even tho i generally dislike repub ideas, blackmail is evil and wrong.

  38. June Gordon4:36 AM

    That is why I never use the word "blackmail." I call it an "important suggestion" or a "concerned request." And I only do it out of Christian love.

  39. sadie4:37 AM

    GOP candidates with loudest rumors about their sexuality: obviously Miss Lindsay and Rick Perry. Cruz definitely sets off my gaydar and unlike the two previously mentioned, has declared he's running.

  40. Boozie4:40 AM

    the grove is not a known 'gay area' in miami. if anything, it's a very rich neighborhood and home to lots of bars where UM kids hang out...

  41. ImARoomMom4:42 AM

    @YourMomsSkirt: Thanks, LOL :) @JuneGordon does have a point, though - I googled Bohemian Grove after I read her comment

  42. Kno Won Uno4:43 AM

    This blind item says "Republican Presidential candidate", therefore, I am only talking about republican candidates for the party nomination.
    I can't possibly make it any clearer.
    TL;DR - everything I said is in reference to GOP contenders for their own party's nomination. Not the general election, not the democratic nominee. Got it? Good.

  43. Kno Won Uno4:44 AM

    Or the Koch brothers would pay to have it buried.

  44. Kno Won Uno4:46 AM

    I thought so too, but he's not even included in recent polls. NATIONAL polls.

  45. June Gordon4:46 AM

    YourMomsSkirt: Having legit brats is what a closeted man, especially a politician, does. That is to prove that he ain't gay.

    But a closeted man is not likely to be sticking his YKW in radom gal's kitty on the sly. That is why there is a point to whether they are legit or not.

  46. Kno Won Uno4:48 AM

    Remind me not to read or reply to any politically-themed or associated posts her until at least 2018. It's not worth it.

  47. Kno Won Uno4:49 AM

    I think there's some trolling here.

  48. ImARoomMom4:49 AM

    @Boozie: Maybe things have changed since I lived there, it's been a while. It's not South Beach, but we had a pretty cool mix there. Moot point anyway, I didn't know about BH.

  49. ImARoomMom5:03 AM

    Oops. I meant BG, not BH. I'm gonna stick with my Rubio guess regardless, based on nothing more than that's 'ick' feeling I get whenever he speaks.

  50. John K5:15 AM

    And that is exactly what I was referring to. Got it? Good. I couldn't have been clearer.

  51. Fortunately/Unfortunately -- however you see it -- No Republican is going to beat Hillary this year.
    And, she would have won in 2008, too, if not for Barak Obama!

  52. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:30 AM

    Rand Paul is a libertarian, and true libertarians don't give f words about other people sex lives, but if this was the case, the sentence "has good chance of winning the nomination" is a canonical red herring.

  53. back again5:32 AM

    +1--- just by his vibe don't you think? that's alot of Blackmail money..wouldn't the Koch Bros. somehow 'deal' with this inconvenience?

  54. Kno Won Uno5:33 AM

    OK, pal. Buh bye. Obvious trolling's been around since 1994. Piss off.

  55. Tricia135:49 AM

    Hiya@BA. Well, yes was my thought(answer) outta the gate . as someone living where he is from and represents( to a degree), there is a lot of shade and circumspect issues which surround him(as someone down thread said)/ and while he doesn't have a stellar rep by any stretch, he is favored frontage tix and his appeal/ stronghold in the Hispanic communities(which is a growing voters demographic population) is formidable......
    And then there's the Koch bros., why yes they could.
    sexuality is the last thing that should be taken from this blind(whether fabricated or otherwise); it's about desire, and most importantly- power.

  56. back again5:51 AM

    @Montana could be right too cuz Cruz also hits my gaydar..Imma gonna bow outa this now cuz i don't know enough about the contenders.Disregard my comments.

  57. TheCousinEddy5:53 AM

    Here's a supposed list of the members of the Bohemian Club:


    I'm sure there's others not listed, but for what it's worth the names on the list that I recognize are generally older white men of power.

    I'm too lazy to go through the list in its entirety and cross-reference it with any current presidential candidates, but I'm sure someone here is up to the task...

  58. Regina Phalange6:15 AM

    God Bless you, June!! That is the good Christian thing to do!

  59. And-so-on..6:32 AM

    Could be a set up to announce the candidate naughtiness when the time is right.. then dump them just before the one is chosen to win is selected. John Edwards comes to mind. As the campaign managers don't want their guy to win but desire to reap the rewards of using the campaign money as long as they can...

  60. Dudette7:11 AM

    Almost all of them have been to BG at one time or another, that's how it works. Could be any one of them.

  61. Follow the freaky, the money and the family of all out psychos, and its gotta be a Bush.

  62. texasrose8:17 AM

    So CDAN is on the DNC's payroll now?

  63. June Gordon8:26 AM

    Amen texasrose! These libtards are LIARS!!!! We done got no homos in the GOP!!!!!

  64. Can't run a marriage. Can't admit to her sexuality. No way can she respectably run a county. No thank you.

  65. sandybrook8:37 AM

    Ok I understand what you guys are saying but I still believe this BI to be total BS.

  66. back again8:39 AM


  67. Sarah9:10 AM

    Sandy - you would think so but it isn't foolproof. Remember John Edwards had his mistress set up for years before he was caught.

  68. numoon39:12 AM

    it's got to be Lindsey Graham or Ted Cruz. I doubt Rubio is invited to the Grove yet let alone for that many days since he's such a newbie, but Graham strikes me as a closeted queen and he's totally politically connected, and Ted Cruz's wife runs investments at Goldman Sachs so you know he's at the Grove with a permanent membership.

  69. numoon39:15 AM

    it's Graham: **http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/14/ambiguously-gay-senator.html**

  70. Sarah9:17 AM

    He isn't running, but has certainly made news - Tom Cotton from Arkansas. Big gay rumors about him and then suddenly - BOOM - he's married.

  71. Rubio cause I always got that gay vibe from him. And to be honest I don't think any man or woman could get paid enough to have sex with ted

  72. Princess Kate11:39 AM

    Thanks for the laughs. This is obviously b.s./poli-porn for ya'll. No way, no how. But live the dream.

  73. I was thinking that I hope it's Jeb but it gives me shudders to think he might have a chance.

  74. Jess Sayin'4:45 PM

    The Republican politician who ISN'T a closet cock-lover is a rare beast (and I include the self-described "1980s moderate Republican" who's been doing Wall Street's foul work in the White House since '08 in this group…right, Rahm?), so it's really impossible to say.

    I'll just think back to John McCain riding off into the night in his limo after his concession speech on that "historic" (historic for the number of lies the winner told, I guess) night in '08, not accompanied by his wife but rather by "good friend" Lindsay Graham, and wonder how long it took for Lindsay to get John to "perk up".

    A pox on ALL your houses. Killary included. (And ex-Republican Elizabeth Warren, and fake "socialist" Bernie Sanders, and everybody else who has enabled Obama to be the More Effective Evil at entrenching the .01%. They should all just die. JMO.)

  75. Deric6:26 PM

    Its no secret that Bohemian Grove is where the political "elite meet to eat" and indulge in all sorts of debauchery. Everybody has "something" on everybody - its called a "Honey Trap." Extortion is (to quote Mommy Dearest) "the grease that makes this shitty business work."

    Be it Dems or Reps - they are different sides of the same coin. Today, voting only gives us the "illusion" that we still have power over who gets elected. Our government no longer works for us but for the highest bidders! The Rep in this blind is obviously new to the game therefore my guess is Rubio. The reason this was "leaked" is because his "backers" aren't happy with his performance.

    As for Hillary "The Teflon Madame," shit Bill's got a whole film library on her and visversa. The Clinton Foundation - by the by - is nothing more than their own private extortion scam - hence the deleted emails. People need to pay more attention to who's running this country than who's doing what Kadashian or who wore what to what award show! Shit is getting real folks! Just Sayin , , , ,,

  76. The Bohemina Grove is in California.

  77. Gloria Euphoria3:07 AM

    Another vote for Rick Perry

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