Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today's Blind Items - He Killed Her

It all started a few years ago. This A list mostly television actor who has been A+ list in television and even A list in movies was out of the country. He traveled down to South America because he wanted two things. Extreme drug use and extreme sex. He got both. Apparently though his notoriously bad temper came out and what was supposed to be rough sex turned into our actor killing a hooker. It happened in a sex club. According to the owner of the club it is not the first time a woman has been killed in the club and it has happened a few times since. Within 24 hours after it happened our actor reached a settlement with the owner of the establishment for his loss of income and to make sure our actor had no issues with the woman's family or the police. A wire transfer was sent and our actor was allowed to leave the country. He was on his jet within an hour of the money landing in the owner's account. Fast forward a year. Our actor has forgotten about the incident and apparently everything was handled to the point where our actor starts to breathe easy. At that point he gets some disturbing news. The owner of the club was killed in a drug deal gone bad and now people start getting hazy memories about whether the actor paid and whether the police were called. Everyone wants more money. The last amount was in the very low seven figures. Someone said $2M. AT this point the new owner of the club and the alleged family of the victim each are demanding a similar amount to stay quiet. Apparently our actor is on a video recording in the office of the club describing how the death happened and there is also video of the actor and the woman in the room where it happened but the actual death can't be seen because of the camera angles. The actor has the money to pay, but wonders how long the shakedowns will keep occurring. For the past year there was one payment in the mid-six figures as a sign of good faith and there has been a monthly private jet flight between LAX and the city in question as an attorney for the actor and the club and alleged family negotiate a settlement.


  1. Derek Harvey3:12 AM

    Charlie Sheen

  2. French girl3:13 AM

    I believe that Enty could call the police for this blind ( and some blinds involving rape or violence against kids also)

  3. sandybrook3:15 AM

    It certainly sounds like Charlie Sheen

  4. June Gordon3:21 AM

    I have seldom killed when I done medicine but I am sympathetic to them that does. I still think that if this is true you got you a duty to report it to the police.

    As a woman that men go crazy over I feel a kinship to this poor dead hooker gal and want justice. Is that wrong? Maybe. But that the way I feel. Praise Jesus!!!!

  5. ettacettera3:38 AM

    I hate to think this is true, even if it involved a celeb I can't stand.

  6. Senator Pat Geary?

  7. Jonathan Andrew Sheen3:38 AM

    French Girl, "I heard from a guy who said he heard from a guy" turns out not to be admissible in court. We also don't know where in South America the alleged event is alleged to have taken place, but there are a bunch with which we don't have extradition treaties, in which case calling the police is like calling a plumber in your home town because you've heard somebody across the country might (or might not) have a leaky toilet.

  8. Thandie3:43 AM

    How much can you get for not reporting a crime anyway? Wonder if there's a lawyer here to give advice on the matter...hmm.

  9. June Gordon3:48 AM

    There is no need for no extradition. The California courts got jurisdiction over Sheen. And "Yeah, but I murdered them in another country" ain't a winning defense -- just as them fellows at Blackwater that killed them folks in Iraq.

    This may be hearsay right now, but there is a claim about specific evidence. So while a bit of gossip won't win a criminal case it could lead to the evidence that would.

  10. texasrose3:54 AM

    I like the part where Enty says a year later the actor had forgotten about the incident. Is this blind believable? Maybe, a lot of bad shit could happen down in some seedy part of South America. The fact that it is being reported on a gossip site makes it less believable. Sounds more like a movie pitch.

  11. CrashDiego4:08 AM

    Just to be different: Matthew Perry

  12. Stephe964:17 AM

    Keifer Sutherland...just to throw in a name

  13. Silly Me4:45 AM

    Sean Penn

  14. TheDude784:53 AM

    I'd be more surprised if this was the first one Sheen killed.

  15. Yeahsure5:03 AM

    LOL - good one but I wonder if the rest are (gulp!) too young to get it?

  16. Tonya5:05 AM

    This should not be an anecdote posted for entertainment. If this is true, and Enty has information from people in the know, he needs to report it to the police. It is despicable to let a murderer roam free just because he's rich and famous.

  17. John K.5:08 AM

    Exactly. My brother Fredo runs this place, nobody will know.

  18. Navymommy5:19 AM

    Alec Baldwin?

  19. 8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob5:49 AM

    If this were true and reported to American (USan) police, what do you think would happen? USan cops won't go and investigate to the South American country because they wouldn't be allowed with no evidence but gossip; being nothing investigated in the origin country, the murder didn't happen even to local cops; the "blackmail" is like some extrajudicial agreement, and probably what would be in the country.
    This can only end with the dude paying an f word ton of dough to the family and other mafias or getting whacked by the relatives/friends of the corpse who are allegedly people who don't give f words about killing.

  20. texasrose6:26 AM

    If true the real worry should be that the local officials get wind of it then the real blackmail would take place.

  21. Xenophobic much?

  22. CindyC6:46 AM

    Woody Harrelson is who came to mind. Wasn't there a blind that he boinked Miley's dog and it died?

  23. texasrose6:55 AM

    big word

  24. Only 1 more than blackmail, petal.

  25. texasrose8:07 AM

    I'm sure your staunch support of all south american municipal, judicial, and law enforcement officials will not go unrewarded. So you got that going for you.

  26. Thandie9:03 AM

    So wrong, but I LOLed.

  27. Groaning9:03 AM

    I really want this to be revealed. Some murderer is allowed to go free after committing a murder?! I want to know who it is so I never see another one of his movies or shows ever again.

    I keep thinking about Charlie Sheen or Kiefer Sutherland.

  28. Princess Kate9:17 AM

    What the what???

  29. Peter Rabbit9:54 AM

    Captain Kirk.

  30. it took forever10:47 AM

    this has charlie sheen written all over it, i just knew sheen would reach this level, i wonder how many others have. zac Effron must be loco to be hanging around sheen so much

  31. Zac is so effed up on drugs he probably thinks Charlie is a tree.

  32. hothotheat12:17 PM

    Yup. We'd have heard something like this about him before.

  33. Sandra6:21 AM

    My guess would be Sheen. Each time he go before a judge he get off easy.

  34. Fins to the Left2:36 AM

    Charlie Sheen
