Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blind Item #1

This A list foreign born dual threat actor is no longer on speaking terms with his fellow countryman who won an Academy Award. It seems as if your dual threat blames his countryman and his PR team for all the rumors that surround the dual threat.


  1. sandybrook11:31 PM


  2. Kno Won Uno11:36 PM

    Who's the countryman? My brain's all Duggar-ragey.

  3. slim shady11:48 PM

    and Eddie Redmayne?

  4. Hugh Jackman & Russell Crowe?

  5. violet12:00 AM

    and Eddie R

  6. eddie redmayne cumberbitch and his gay/not gay life
    or george and his people putting brad's rent boy life on blast over
    at star to take the heat off his rent wife life

  7. Could be Ben and Eddie Redmayne as the AA winner.

  8. Princess Kate12:13 AM

    Can someone please translate this for me. I will drink coffee and try to get my brain working.

  9. Dschulija12:19 AM

    Can't be George and Brad as they are not foreignborn...

    Cumberbatch/Redmayne is my first guess too...but how is Cumberbatch dual threat? movie and theatre? Under some other recent BI this was a big discussion...

  10. Dschulija12:24 AM

    could be Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman (Crowe won in 2000 for Gladiator - Jackman was nominated 2013 for Les Miserables)..but that's so old and I never felt those two to be competitors in the sense Cumberbatch and Redmayne were/are. Besides Jackman/Crowe would be triple threat (singing, dancing and acting)

    (Maybe it's just a half-arsed attempt to reign in all those outlandish rumours about BC's marriage/pregnantwife/blackmailing/gayrumours)

  11. Kno Won Uno12:26 AM

    Yeah...I thought dual threat meant he could also sing or dance or whatnot. Acting is one thing, right?

  12. JaimeJ12:38 AM

    Cumberbatch much? Can't see him taking responsibility for wrecking his own ridiculous Oscar campaign with the hardcore fan-bashing, weird publicity stunt wife, and shotgun wedding. (Not that his Oscar bait film was ever going to win anything anyway.)

    Poor Eddie Redmayne must be heartbroken that Cumberbatch isn't speaking to him. Eddie probably cries himself to sleep clutching his golden statue.

  13. MassiveHead1:18 AM

    Cumberbatch is dual threat as in films and TV surely?

  14. hothotheat1:20 AM

    Holy cow, Royal G, you just made my morning with this take on George and his "wife", lol. Well said.

  15. Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne.

    Seriously, Cumberbatch, take some responsibility for your own incredibly desperate Oscar campaign tactics; there's selling and then there's selling out, you know? Anyway, in regards to all the rumors: where there's smoke, there's fire and he's been quite the little "liar, liar, pants on fire" throughout his bizarre relationship with his now-wife. Major sympathy for the child born into such a, er, "loving" family. It's gonna be rough having an alien lizard king and a haggard bony witch for parents.

  16. hothotheat2:16 AM

    "Dual threat" means acting/singing, singing/dancing, dancing/acting. Cumberbatch isn't doesn't sing or dance as far as I know.

    I think this is Russell Crowe but I hate to think Jackman would be this way. Who else is a dual threat from Australia?

  17. macaroniandcheese2:37 AM

    As much as I enjoy being a spectator of the Cumberbatch trainwreck, unless Enty is really confused, "double threat" doesn't really apply to an actor who acts in two different mediums. Though Ben has done small bits of singing/dancing, he's never really done a production where he's starring in a singing or dancing capacity.

    Jackman was a common guess for the other "dual threat" item, so I'm going to guess Jackman and Crowe for this one, too. If Enty wants to be specific, though, Jackman is a "triple threat" because he also dances.

    Weird wording--is it deliberately obtuse?

  18. Saimon3:22 AM

    O God, Ben and Eddie are friends 10 years. And Ben is hardly relied win an Oscar. And what a double threat. Ben actor, he does not singing or dancing. And Eddie's career goes uphill. But Enty clung, and will now earn on Ben. No wonder that since the beginning of the year for 20 blind item, even as many Kim has not.
    It's very boring.

  19. Bricktodaface3:29 AM

    I've got no sympathy for rich white people who make bad life choices. Moneybags Cumberbatch has plenty of cash to get the kid all the therapy it needs - and let's be real, it'll be shipped off to nannies and boarding schools the moment it shoots out Hunter's slip-n-slide.

  20. Diego3:32 AM

    The last BI was also dual threat.
    But this is garbage if this Ben, he bought house which being repaired, and move he is to only next year. He now lives at the old address. So either last BI as this BI is not about Ben. Either this is a fantasy Enty.

  21. Diego3:33 AM


  22. Nickel Dreadful3:35 AM

    Well, if the other blind about shell companies and money shuffling is about Cumberbatch, he may not be a moneybags for long. What a gullible twerp.

    (A+ on the horrifying visual imagery, btw)

  23. Nickel Dreadful3:41 AM

    I thought Cumberbatch did a bit of singing in that Osage County film. It wasn't bad, but let's just say he wouldn't make it past round one in American Idol. ;)

  24. piggy4:04 AM

    Cumberbatch/Redmayne. if it's true then it is pathetic. It's hardly Eddie Redmayne's fault Cumberbatch knocked up former luxury escort and married her. Everyone in Hollywood knows this.

  25. Bricktodaface4:16 AM


  26. xoxoxo4:28 AM

    Maybe dual threat means he's bi? you know, a threat to women and men as well ;) just kidding.

  27. Aeltri6:25 AM

    Could be ER/BC. I am thinking that HW's camp started with the mudslinging. So if ER's PR did air SH's dirty laundry there must be a lot of truth behind those allegations. That's not the kind of stuff you pull out of thin air and the information is too detailed. Maybe ER thought that by blowing this wide open he could help BC. BC wasn't going to win anyway and let's face it SH was a terrible choice even as a beard. If BC initially turned a blind eye to SH's shadyness he should have looked into the dirt that others dug up for him. Instead of facing the music, he shut his eyes and stuck his fingers in his ears. He didn't heed the warnings to pull the plug on this farce, now he's screwed. I doubt ER is still at it though, so if not him then who? HW is a possibility, he may have it in for SH because she wrecked his TIG awards campaign. Then again a lot of people don't seem to like her very much, like that A-list director she allegedly blackmailed last year,

  28. Julie6:43 AM

    Cumberbatch for sure. no sympathy from me either. Just like him, this kid will be tossed off to school the min it can tie its own shoes. there will be a quiet split, and BC will only have to see the kid a few weeks a yr, and never actually co parent w this "wife". I thought orig it was a shotgun situation used to PR his film,but its looking like a full TOMKAT to me. Benedict can keep his men (and maybe women too) on the side forever now. He can go to the box all he wants, hire all the male sex workers he wants. his wife can get mediocre work while hiding her sex worker past, and his kid can be raised by house masters.

  29. why isn't Hunter on the deed of any of his property? wouldn't he put his wife on his property? especially new purchases he plans on moving his family into in a yr?

  30. Aeltri7:22 AM

    Thing is, two of the BC/SH BI pretty much confirm it isn't BC's. SH has been handing some of BC's money over to the real father on the down low. Paps have been trailing the con duo to get the scoop. If a reliable beard and bio kid is what he wanted then BC got double-played, what a damn fool. SH and her boyfriend must be so happy, their kid is going to have two dads: realdaddy and moneydaddy.

  31. !!!?????7:25 AM

    I don't think they live together. i don't think they ever have. that said i DO think they are married and i DO think she is pregnant/ there are arrangements for a baby. I don't think its a shotgun situation at all. i think he got his foot in the door for the first time into hollyweird and quickly realized he needed a lifetime subscription to "I am heterosexual r' us." I think she needed a way out of her sex worker to obscurity pipeline. An oscar campaign is when ppl will dig into stuff that you have since then been able to keep quiet, hence the hetero points card for Ben. I don't think there will be a quiet split. i predict this will be a long union w lots of sour faced strolls. he needs to keep the NO HOMO flag flying for good and she frankly needs the financial security and access to jobs. No one will think twice when this little bundle is shipped off to school for its entire childhood, and bens career continues unchnaged. This is a dime a dozen, hardly new. *yawn*. next yr there will be a new Benedict and sophie.the year aft that...the year aft that

  32. Aeltri7:46 AM

    TomKat had it's problems but the participants were on the same page so it worked to some extent. Even then it lasted all of 5 years. THIS mess? Is a PR disaster, SH despises BC so they can't sell it no matter how hard they try. It is pointless to keep going at it. BC is looking like a chemo patient and his career IS not the same, it is in steady decline. Matthew McConaughey is already in talks with Marvel which is a bit troubling because he was their first choice for Dr. Strange. SH? Doesn't really have anything to sell. Alimony and a house will suit her just fine, then she'll go on to marry another sucker. If it were a successful bearding arrangement it could be longer term, but this setup is double-dipped in FAIL. Quiet split in the near future is the most likely outcome. But if kid ain't BC's and he was duped, oh boy...

  33. Neither BC or ER are dual threats, and it's not bringing the Oscars into it other saying one has an Oscar. Nothing about the other one being a nominee.

    This could be a lot of people. Any foreign born actor or supporting actor winner from the past who's feuding with someone now.

  34. !!!?????8:22 AM

    i dunno maybe, but im just going by what this look like. this looks like teh same old same old perma beard situation to me. if it leaks that the kid isn't his, ill eat my hat. i think he needs a beard and she needs connections. maybe they hate each other, i don't know, but i don't think they live together. i think they've made arrangement for a kid to nO HOMO beard it, and they will hardly have to be seen together. they've been seen off of red carpets like 4 times in the supposed years they have been dating. ti will stay that way. she gets work, he gets man sex, kid gets a good education. same story, different ppl

  35. texasrose9:11 AM

    Jackman is the only 'dual threat' that has been guessed here.

  36. Eddie Redmayne is the countryman. I'm only sticking around to see exactly how Benedict is gonna get himself out of this fustercluck. But if they fake a stillbirth, I'm not only gonna lose every single solitary drop of respect I ever had for him, I'm gonna hate his guts.

  37. nonyadambusness12:42 PM

    Eddie did Les Mis lest we forget. Obscure but weird fact, Ben did musicals in school. A threat? LOL Don't know about that! He said in interviews he wanted to get back into them, maybe Broadway. But this Blind seems like someone playing with the fans. Too catered to cause trouble. Wonder if one of the Tumblr trolls is branching out? Mad as MaGo cause they got shut down?

  38. Jackman, Crowe, DDL, Gosling and Cera (both Canadian), Damian Lewis, Ewan McGregor, and Firth come to mind, but all for singing. No clue on who dances besides Christian Bale. Jean Dujardin is an actor and a comedian.

    DDL, Crowe, Firth, Dujardin and Bale have Oscars.

  39. damien4:04 PM

    i don't think ive seen one picture in the random photos of etiher of them looking even remotely pleased to be near each other. they always look like they're are on teir way to the dentist for a drug free root canal.

  40. Diego6:18 AM

    Looks on Fassi and Alicia or Cooper and Irina. And you will see the game gay and beards. Ben and his wife, hate each other, they are even at the Oscars and BAFTA could not quite show love. When he climbed up to kiss her, she pushed him almost. I think he was involved in a sex scandal in Britain, why else would he spent almost three million pounds on house for farmed out for Sophie, and million more to repair the house, despite the fact that he has a nice old house.

  41. Dschulija6:18 AM

    Jackman isn't dual threat, he is triple (singing, dancing and acting). Redmayne is in fact dual (Les Miserables in 2013) but Cumberbatch isnt unless we count some schoolplays or whatnot or his singing in August Osage County.

    BUT there was a pic of BC in the round of random pics before this BI was, the weird BI about the house/flat shenanigans of a dual threat also fit BC.
