Monday, May 25, 2015

Blind Item #1

This in a relationship B list singer has had a couple of issues the past few weeks. It may be tied to the fact that she is cheating on her boyfriend with this Academy Award nominee/winner from an acting family who does not really seem to have any moral boundaries.


  1. Tricia1311:31 PM

    Lana Del rey/Joaquin Phoenix

  2. sandybrook11:33 PM

    sounds good to me.

  3. slim shady11:43 PM

    Lana Del Rey/James Franco?

  4. Tricia1311:45 PM

    Hey you 2!
    @slim..thats a good one!.I forget he is considered from an acting family now.They were already linked Right?

  5. slim shady11:51 PM

    Hey @Tricia! He has a lot of pictures of her on his instagram, that's why I guessed them, but maybe that's old news...

  6. Tricia1312:03 AM

    I think its probably meant to be him@Slim:) Good one...

  7. MontanaMarriott12:26 AM

    Franco from an acting family? I had no idea, how so?

  8. His brother Dave is an actor

  9. Joaquin. The "lack of boundaries" can stem from him growing up in that cult.

  10. I'm with AY..the no boundaries might also be in reference to that horribly mean rumor about some of the siblings being...uh...too close.

  11. franco isnt from an acting family, just two brothers that got famous. joaquin phoenix DEFINITE acting family, lana del rey makes sense. I think franco has a weird psychosexual crush on lana but honestly I dont he is lana's type. lana likes furry eccentric men old rocker men....franco just doesnt fit.
