Saturday, May 30, 2015

Blind Item #3

Our favorite B+ list foreign singer/part-time actress is not the subject here, but the source. Interesting change for her. Anyway, she was telling a story at a club two nights ago that her ex, you know the guy who is dating the A+ lister now, yeah him. Anyway, he used to hook up with this celebrity offspring turned model. Frequently. No big deal except that this offspring turned model is now one of the A+listers ever expanding and ever changing bff. Should be interesting when the A+ lister finds out. Oh, and when she sees the offspring turned model doing coke.


  1. Tricia132:30 AM

    Rita ora

  2. Tricia132:31 AM

    Tay tay/Calvin harris

  3. Tricia132:31 AM

    and Kylie or hailee Baldwin

  4. Seced19642:39 AM

    Rita Ora / Calvin Harris / Taylor Swift / Gigi Hadid

  5. nailed it Tricia! good to see you, happy weekend :)

  6. oh this fits even better! smarter to be seen with her than a kardashian considering her careful image

  7. Tricia133:00 AM

    hey@ raye! Thank you! Happy Weekend back at ya:)

  8. TheCousinEddy3:44 AM

    Seced1964 put all the pieces together. Good job!

  9. Groaning4:00 AM

    So Rita Ora talking about Calvin Harris who is now "dating" Taylor Swift. Since Rita and Calvin mostly spend their time in London back in the day, I am going to guess pig nose Cara Delevigne. She became famous because of her rich society parents.

  10. I couldn't understand the blind but it's always fun to read the comments.

  11. Lynne7:13 PM

    Dear H20. Here translated for you. It reads, inserting 'Groaning' guesses, that Rita Ora was talking to friends, Rita says that her ex-boyfriend was dating Cara D.; said boyfriend, Calvin, is now dating T.Swift; T. Swift is now friends with Cara D. Apparently, Calvin perhaps hasn't told Taylor.

  12. CaliGal3:25 PM

    But Cara D is a lezbot dating her girlfriend St. Vincent...doubt she dated Calvin. Unless she is greedy and pulls from both teams, bless her heart.

  13. back again3:54 PM

    You got this @ Seced1964 ! Gigi's our gal--it'll come out during one of her coke fueled manic,mile a minute talking,really really important 78rpm conversations where she'll corner Calvin in the bathroom(who's equally high & flying as F**k) & make him pinkie swear not to ever tell Taylor.Then theyll cement ther bond by getting symbolic tattoos of their newfound Bond,yhrest will be...Tay-Tay's new Song Material

  14. Riven4:02 AM

    Am I the only person who stopped while reading this BI and thought "wait a minute.. Rita Ora actually has friends??"
