Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blind Item #6

This A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner is in full scramble mode. The tabloids are about to jump all over her family member for being a racist and she wants to make sure there are no photos or evidence that can tie her into his beliefs. It seems as if their were none, then there would be no need to do any scrambling.


  1. Tricia131:01 AM

    Reese witherspoon

  2. Derek Harvey1:01 AM

    Julia Roberts Eric Roberts

  3. slim shady1:05 AM

    Jennifer Lawrence

  4. Kno Won Uno1:08 AM

    It's pretty disgusting that it could be all three of the above.

  5. Sadie1:16 AM

    JLaw, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock and Reese Witherspoon all have Southern roots and could well have a racist relative. Can't really blame them for that.

    In fact, are there any A+ list females who aren't Southern? Just realized that. Strange.

  6. MontanaMarriott1:18 AM

    Except that Julia had no problem NOT being racist when she was screwing Denzel during the filming of their movie together. Not to mention she used to date Benjamin Bratt a Latino.

  7. MontanaMarriott1:19 AM

    and Sandy B has a black baby soon to be adding a second one to her home according to Enty.

  8. Angelina

  9. TheDude781:22 AM

    Probably not Julia as she's buddies with Clooney. I don't think her being a racist even in the slightest would flush with him. Other two are contenders, but there have been racist-ish blinds revealed about Reesey before.

  10. Princess Kate1:25 AM

    Not all southerners are racists. Not all racists are southern. It's actually just as offensive to assume that a racist would be southern as it is to be a racist.

  11. ettacettera1:32 AM

    You don't choose your family, and there's no need to apologize for them. This is reminiscent of death threats to Pitt's mom for not voting for's not enough that a public figure has to fall in line or be ruined, now everyone they ever knew must be uber pc. Look up the word tolerance, Hollywood.

  12. And-so-on..1:36 AM

    Cate Blanchette?

  13. Sleeping with blackmen/women doesn't mean a person can't be racist.

  14. Cecilia001:45 AM

    Julia Roberts was LiTERALLY raised at the knee of MLK's widow Coretta Scott King. Coretta PAID the hospital expenses for Julia's birth.
    The Roberts

  15. Cecilia001:46 AM

    ...and Kibgs go way back as friends. Coretta was impressed that the Roberts' taught black youth acting in the 60's segregated south IIRC.

    I don't think it's then

  16. Cecilia001:49 AM

    Sorry for all the typos and multiple posts. Having the worst iPhone trouble today

  17. Sadie1:51 AM

    Sorry about the insinuation about Southerners. True anybody can be a racist and have a crazy uncle.

    Blanchett seems to be one of the world's most bitter people. She puts on a veneer of class, but scratch the surface and she turns into a harridan. Maybe it runs in the family.

    Roberts is such a phony. How can anybody believe anything about her.

    Is Jodie Foster still A+? Being friends with Mel Gibson is impossible unless she has some sympathy for his views.

    Angelina Jolie - weht her crazy brother?

    I think I have exhausted the A+ list.

  18. QuickDrawMcGraw44441:53 AM

    "It's actually just as offensive to assume that a racist would be a southern as it is to be a racist."

    No it's not. When non-racist southern people spend a couple hundred years getting bought and sold like cattle, whipped, beaten, raped, have their name changed, watch their wives and daughters raped, watch their sons sold off to someone else, then get freedom only to be treated like shit for another hundred years, have crosses burned in their front yard, get lynched because a non-racists is dating a racists and they, "Should stay with their own kind..."

    THEN and only THEN will it be as offensive to imply southerners are racists.

  19. kjbrink1:55 AM

    This is Jennifer Lawrence. I surf the boards of some of my favorite actors/actresses on IMDB sometimes & a couple of days ago on her's there was a thread about some racist pictures her brother posted on his Facebook of a theme party supposedly making fun of Asian people. I looked back a couple of minutes ago & it looks like the thread is gone now.

    I don't think JLaw's blatantly racist, but I do think she might be a little ignorant. I also think she's much more image obsessed than a lot of people seem to believe.

  20. Basic1:59 AM

    @Princess Kate - bless your heart darlin'! But in all seriousness, have you heard of history?

  21. kjbrink2:09 AM

    This was the picture thread. He dressed up like a sterotypical Asian tourist. People on the board were arguing over whether or not he was being racist.

  22. DoctorMaybe2:12 AM

    Reese Witherspoon attended Harpeth Hall in Nashville. I knew Harpeth Hall girls growing up. Hell, I'm only two years ahead of Reese; I may have known some of her friends. Knowing HH girls, she is FAR AND AWAY my pick for this one.

  23. Princess Kate2:14 AM

    Oh, I see what you did there. You tried to make an argument. It didn't really work -- or even make any sense -- but good job trying.

  24. Princess Kate2:16 AM

    Why, yes. Yes, I have. And history taught ME that racism doesn't only exist south of the mason-dixon line.

    And it's also taught me that only asshats use condescension as a basis for an argument.

  25. CindyC2:36 AM

    Very true! Monster's Ball is a good example of that.

  26. You can bring up history all you want, but some of the most racist people I have ever met have come from Boston.

  27. French girl3:10 AM

    Is He dressed in Asian tourist? Really? He dressed in tourist visiting NY but I don't see the Asian reference

  28. Charlotte3:19 AM

    @kjbrink: It would appear that somebody is trying real hard to pin something on Jennifer Lawrence and can't because there is nothing to reveal. The pictures of her brother don't prove or even hint he is racist at all. Either someone is worried about Oscar season, or just about the competition in general, but talk about teaching. I have to laugh at Enty's last sentence. There's no there, there pal.

  29. Charlotte3:21 AM

    *reaching* not *teaching*

  30. Riven3:25 AM

    Good lord people. Look up the actual definition of shit before you climb up on your high horse and ride into battle.

  31. QuickDrawMcGraw44444:02 AM

    It wasn't an argument. It was showing why you're an idiot for thinking someone saying southerners are racist is as bad as racism. What I wrote above are the results of racism. Unless non-racists southerners went through similar horrors then saying southerners are racists isn't the same thing. The one trying to make an argument is you and you sound like a buffoon but are too weak to own up to it.

    Saying someone is a racists isn't anywhere near the same as racism. At all. Racism results in treating other people like they're not human. What you're complaining about doesn't result in lynchings. It doesn't result in police officers beating or killing you. It results in jokes and making you feel bad because you're from the south and not a racists. They aren't anywhere near the same thing and saying that they are as you did in your 1st post makes you look like an incredible moron that's off the charts insensitive to people of color.

  32. Larry4:41 AM

    What about Charlize Therron? She is after all, from South Africa. A white South African with a racist relative? High probability of that I'm thinkin.

  33. kpist4:48 AM

    The people living in the south today are not responsible for the actions of people a hundred years ago. . But saying someone is racist because they are southern is like saying someone is a thug because they are black. It is still wrong. That is the point I think Kate was trying to make, not justifying slavery

  34. Marlowe5:09 AM

    The only RACISTS I see nowadays aren't Caucasian!

    And I'm Puerto Rican descent and was raised in the South! Open your damn eyes!

    The first time experienced racism was from a group of black women and then from other Latinos, while living in Chicago, who said I acted white because I spoke proper English. I'm sick of this divisive bullshit. I'm American...I despise this hyphenated bullshit and intentionally divisive nonsense created to destroy our once great nation.

  35. Riven5:45 AM

    There is no need for name calling. Especially when you are the person confusing discussion of pain due to a system of belief and pain due to actions taken because of a system of belief.

    You're fucking talking applesauce and getting all super aggro because someone else is talking apples.

  36. KevinA5:53 AM

    Would explain one reason (other than life, getting older, etc.) why we see far less of her w/ family these days. Or, more likely, it's BS.

    Anyone describe this supposed FB post from her brother? Can't access it..

  37. hothotheat5:58 AM

    Nicole Kidman. Her now deceased father as the racist.

  38. June Gordon6:21 AM

    I done got a racist bone in my body. Speaking of bones in my body -- some of my best rapists been Black!!!!

  39. QuickDrawMcGraw44446:22 AM

    I agree that southerners aren't all racists. My problem was her saying calling someone racist is, "actually just as offensive." Had she said what you just typed I wouldn't have even commented on this blind. Her comment is pretty clear. She was saying that it was offensive to say all southerners are racists and calling all southerners racists is as offensive "as it is to be a racists.'

  40. Wow Marlowe! A group of black women saying you speak well now means there are no white racists at all, anywhere?

  41. Lila Fowler8:07 AM

    Shouldn't you be out stalking Anna Kendrick or sending blind items about her to the press?

  42. Lila Fowler8:10 AM

    You are so simple. LOL.

  43. Dudette8:32 AM

    Meryl Streep, Angelina, Madonna...even though all her films sucked

  44. kjbrink8:35 AM

    KevinA... It was a photo album on Facebook (from 2007 I might add). It said America Haroweeen Pahteey. It was pictures of him wearing an an I heart NY shirt & a fanny pack and visor. He was holding a handmade passport with Chinese writing all over it. Someone just posted a link to it on IMDB a couple of days ago & some of the people on the board were getting really butthurt over it. So when I read the BI that was the first thing I thought of.

  45. QuickDrawMcGraw44449:14 AM

    Blind items to the press? I come on here. I don't go on other gossip sites. I'm not stalking her either. Must be nice when you can toss shit out like that out to try & ignore the topic or the larger issues. Princess Kate or Kpist is that you?

  46. Scallywag10:08 AM

    Conflating racism and slavery lets a whole lot of racists off the hook. However, pretending the stereotypes of southerners is just made up out of whole cloth and that Jim Crow disappeared with the Civil Rights Act is just as disingenuous.

  47. +1 and loving the personal insight @DoctorMaybe. Reese has always come across to me as that stereotypical (that's not racist) Southern archetype... snooty, sweaty, a little bit racist and a little bit parochial but thinking she's queen of bumblefuck coz her granpappie got off the boat early. Also why is she tryna get her kid papped all the time? Creepy.

  48. DoctorMaybe11:00 AM

    @Brit: Thanks! HH girls in particular get a lot of sunshine blown up their butts. THE boys private school in Nashville is Montgomery Bell (the basis for "Dead Poet's Society") and HH is the girls' counterpart. Tuition is over $20k a year, and the girls who attended in my day (I went to another private school, not MB, but one more peripherally associated with HH) came almost exclusively from Nashville's monied class, among whom a certain "genteel racism" was common and expected.

  49. The f'book post shows a bunch of people having pretty clean fun at a costume party. The NY - shirted tourist with a Grand Canyon visor looks pretty typical of many tourists, regardless of nationality.

    "Racist" is an accusation which is thrown around pretty indiscriminately. A friend wore Sioux ceremonial garb to an event we attended last year. Some people snarked "racist!"
    WTF! My friend is Oglala Sioux & the garments once belonged to his grandfather. I'm an Irish non-drinker. Should I complain "racism" when people use St. Patrick's Day as an excuse for roaming urban bars to drink too much whiskey or green beer? Some US cities take pride in festivities featuring alcohol, corned beef & potatoes to mark 3/17.

    At a high school recently, Latino kids showed up wearing clothes with the Mexican flags or its colors. 4 non-Latino boys showed up for school that day in T-shirts printed with the stars & stripes US flag. Those 4 were ordered to either change shirts or leave campus. Who was racist?
