Thursday, May 21, 2015

Blind Item #7

Be careful if you make any age references to this foreign born former A+ list singer with the blind item song who has not had a hit in a long time, but will always have that iconic album to her name. She was at a party this week when an MTV nominee who had a top 20 album and single from that debut album told our singer how she remembers her parents listening to the former A+ lister in the car when she was going to kindergarten. Lets just say that the forced group photo featuring the pair was ice cold and the young singer probably fears for her personal safety after that comment.


  1. Tricia131:31 AM


  2. Derek Harvey1:31 AM

    alanis and megan trainor

  3. Tricia131:37 AM

    Makes more sense...

  4. Derek Harvey1:39 AM

    It is Alanis Morrisette and Kimba or Banks at an Elle party last night

  5. Kno Won Uno1:44 AM

    If you had a hit in the 1990s but don't understand that the 90s were 20 years ago, you're embarrassing yourself and everyone around you.

  6. Betty2:23 AM

    Celebrities (or really anyone) don't ever want to be reminded of their real age, especially if it's called out in front of a group. I would have been mad, too. Whippersnapper. Get off my lawn.

  7. Kno Won Uno2:28 AM

    Oh, I get that...but do they really think people around them have no idea what year it is? That's the creepy part. That's like saying it's sunny at 2:00 AM. No it's not. It's dark and your big hit was 20+ years ago.
    My granddaughter once asked me how she could find an "elderly friend" - like me. She's still alive. ;-)

  8. WhyWhywhy???2:45 AM

    shut up kno...thought your smart assed comments put you at early 30 spirit. so you an old spirit huh?

  9. Sbreezy294:26 AM

    Sade? She looks great though!!!

  10. Jonathan Andrew Sheen5:05 AM

    Well, if we're talking "blind item songs," I think there are basically only two:

    Carly Simon: "You're so vain"
    Alanis Morisette: "You Oughtta Know."

  11. Peter Rabbit11:32 AM

    Celine Dion.

  12. Murphy12:03 AM

    ha thats really funny because my most specific memory of that album is pulling out of my parents driveway--we were all in the family Buick, starting a road trip from CT to Ohio and my 9 year old sister and I (age 12) were singing along and all of a sudden... "are you thinking of me when you F*CK her"
    15 seconds later the Aladdin sound track was playing.

  13. DoctorMaybe5:08 AM

    Alanis needs to loosen up. I deal with a new batch of 18-year olds every semester who don't recognize any of my cultural touchstones. I haven't killed any of them yet when they tell me they've never seen Ghostbusters, don't know who Cyndi Lauper is, and had never before heard that one of the space shuttles blew up.

  14. laura8:57 PM

    Adele is 25 years old LOL and she didn't release anything after 21 album besides Skyfall which was a huge hit and she got an Oscar for it. Her third album is duo to drop this year
