Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blind Item #8

This former member of an A+ list singing group who is really bitter at being fired is getting back at the A+ lister who was the leader. She is writing a book discussing not only the virginity claims of the singer but also talks about the multiple breast implant surgeries and nose job procedure and a bunch of other things that the A+ lister would not want discussed in public.


  1. Derek Harvey1:46 AM

    Beyonce and one of the original 4 destiny child girls

  2. Kno Won Uno1:47 AM

    Definitely. Beyonce pushed that totally unbelievable virginity crap.

  3. slim shady1:56 AM

    I'm so tired of Beyonce.

  4. TheDude781:58 AM

    The check that Bey and Jay will write her to shut up will be greater than any potential book sales.

  5. Isn't the lore that Matthew pimped her out to Robert Townsend when she was 15?

  6. Agreed. I never understood her appeal. Maybe I'm an old queen and I don't get it. I was happy Jhud blew her away in Dreamgirls.

  7. Riven2:09 AM

    Haha on my phone the BI is split by an ad, when I read the first part my immediate thought was Van Hagar. Even after getting to the female pronouns I'm still stuck on Sammy

  8. Breast implants? A nose job? In Hollywood??? Quelle Horreur!!!!

  9. PoniTayl3:13 AM

    Is anyone aware that Bey & Jay paid thousands upon thousands to bail out the rioters in Baltimore? It was in the news...disgusting

  10. I am getting so sick of them and their royal attitude. Ride that wave while you can, Bey and Jay. It's going to be crashing into the shore soon as people get tired of you (and they are). The Kartrashians too.

  11. kpist4:36 AM

    I saw that, I bet they didn't donate a dime to all of the business owners whose businesses were destroyed.

  12. Marlowe4:55 AM

    They're vile, racist thugs. Shame on them!

  13. Jimmy5:12 AM

    Don't you remember how JayZ tried to capitalize that Wall Street "protest" by selling T shirts. Oh, BTW, many of those protesters in Baltimore (Ferguson and Selma, too) were paid to be there protesting. I read an article that said many of them were pissed because George Soros had not paid them yet and they want their money. They are professional agitators.

  14. And-so-on..5:33 AM

    Baltimore Pastor Complains: Economy So Bad Rioters Found Only One Chain Store to Burn - See more at:

  15. Riven5:58 AM


    Keep drinking that Fox News Koch Bros Kool Aid brought to you by Viacom.

  16. Dudette8:28 AM

    It would have been ages ago that she was fired...maybe she should get over it and move on, but of course, that won't happen.

  17. just4fun10:39 AM

    LOL. It's only devotees of Faux News who even know who the guy is. The rest of us have to Google it to find out.

  18. Beyonce isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Haters keep hating and her empire keeps expanding. But I'm sure this bitter Betty is having a great life singing at whatever Holiday Inn shes singing at.

  19. I live in Baltimore and many of the people arrested were not rioters but PROTESTERS - and some of those arrested were Law students who were merely observing and not doing anything else. Bey and Jay paid for the bail of the protesters, many who were arrested because they were just protesting or violating curfew. White people who violated curfew did not get arrested - just asked to go home. So please don't repeat what "news" sources say because the "news" skews it to make it seem worse and racially slant the narrative to flame fears and prejudices, and of course to increase ratings. Think for yourself and don't regurgitate hate.

  20. Malibuborebee1:27 PM

    It's interesting. They did a study on who got the most and best news from the various news sources available. PBS won, of course, they have always had excellent, factual and unbiased news. Their viewers knew the most information and had the best grasp of the facts.

    Then newspaper readers, then some of the networks and cable outfits made the list.

    Last of all were Fox News viewers who were given the fewest facts and knew the least about anything that was going on. Sad, really.

    Stop watching Fox, or whatever you're watching, Jimmy. You aren't learning any facts, just a pack of lies.
