Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 19, 2015

This former A+ list comedian who had the most brilliant show on cable for awhile has suffered a setback or two, mainly because of his own doing. Oh, and the drugs. Anyway, the still very funny actor was in a hotel here and was convinced the maid who came to turn the bed was the escort he ordered and that she was wearing the uniform as some kind of roleplay. He started to get angry that she was not getting undressed. The woman ran to get her supervisor and everything was all calmed down. Right when all of the staff was in the room discussing the situation, the real escort showed up at the door. Everyone quickly left the room to let the two of them have some time together.

Dave Chapelle


  1. Derek Harvey1:21 AM

    nailed it

  2. Kno Won Uno1:25 AM


  3. He seems to be paranoid. Must be from the drugs.
    Too bad. He was a very funny man in his youth.

  4. He's changed. He's not funny anymore. A bunch of us saw him live about a year ago and were sorely disappointed. I love(d) everything Chappelle did - but seeing him live....his show was awful.

    All he did was pace back and forth on stage bitching and complaining about aspects of life. You can rant and rave, just be fucking funny about it. He wasn't though. He rambled on bitching and complaining -- and every 10-15 min. he'd pace off stage for a few minutes....then walk back on stage, continuing his pacing and bitching routine about stupid shit. It wasn't funny. It was irritating and disappointing.

    His opening acts -- unfortunately, I can't even remember their names -- were funnier than Chappelle that night. It's sad. I wish we never saw that particular show - changed my whole view of him. I still respect his old comedic (especially his stand up...he was such a funny story teller) talents, but not his new one...whatever it may be. =/

  5. ratoncita11:43 AM

    This is so sad. :-( I am so disappointed to hear it. I really liked him.
