Thursday, May 14, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Kindness

January 7, 2015

This B list mostly television actress from a hit pay cable show is a blind item regular. This time though she did something super nice. She was walking into an event the other night and saw a man in a wheelchair. He was in his late 20’s maybe and was a veteran who got wounded. He didn’t know who our actress was but she stopped to say hello and he started talking about a show on the network that he really loved and was hoping to meet someone from the show. Our actress said she would see what she could do and found the creator of the show and brought him over and the next thing you know the guy is being wheeled in and getting to meet some of the cast from the show and then he tells the story of what happened to him and the entire section of the room starts crying.

Emmy Rossum/Don Cheadle


  1. Ginger3:01 AM

    That is awesome....I like her a little bit now...Don Cheadle has always been the shit!
