Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 8, 2015

This Victoria’s Secret model who is married to the A list singer/reality guy offered tequila shots to two mid teen girls the other night. When the parents confronted her our model said she didn’t know the parents were there. Umm. Our model didn’t even try and apologize.

Behati Prinsloo/Adam Levine


  1. CrashDiego2:28 AM

    What's funny is I believe that Blind Gossip ran a blind the same day saying that someone overblew this incident.

  2. Derek Harvey2:29 AM

    Dont be so square----this is practically a kindness blind. A couple of shots for a teen is good clean fun...

  3. sandybrook2:33 AM

    Except it is illegal and contributing to the delinquency of a minor and subject to a nice, long jail sentence ( at least where I live anyway)

  4. Kno Won Uno2:34 AM

    And, gee...that could have been 100 different people /s

  5. PoppyBlackOfLondon4:10 AM

    Yeah. You are right they did.I remember. It could be damage control on their part.

  6. She is a dumb blond, isn't she?

  7. Oops! Just Binged her. She needs a dye job to be blonde -- but she is still dumb to offer alcohol to minors.

  8. Amelia6:59 AM

    When Blind Gossip released it, they said it was Chrissy Teigan....

  9. OK she's a tool (she' married Levine FFS) but minor means anything up to 20 years old in the States, innit?!? Twenty! Fecking 20 years old and you're still a minor when it comes to drinking. That is craycray; you can can be a member of the killing machine that is the army/navy/airforce, be married and have kids of your own or have been executed in a number of states before you can have a pint!

  10. oh. wow.10:07 PM

    BG white-washed this one.

  11. Ellie2:30 PM

    mid-teens, not minors.
