Sunday, May 10, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #6

December 19, 2013

This former A list singer/celebrity/mostly television actress may be about to get married but it doesn't mean she won't have sex for songs because she is the queen of it. She wants to be back on top again and even had sex with a guy who had been married just two weeks.

Brandy (she broke up shortly after this with her boyfriend)


  1. Penelope 22:29 AM

    What kind of person cheats on their spouse of two weeks???

  2. The same person who would sleep with said spouse even with knowing about the marriage?....

  3. Gookieface3:47 AM

    I think she takes that "This boy is mine thing" a bit too seriously.

  4. Groaning4:13 AM

    Why doesn't enty ever reveal the names of the men?

  5. Sylvia4:40 AM

    I've never liked Brandy. Too phoney.
