Saturday, May 09, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #8

December 9, 2013

This former A list politician/reality star could barely sit still at a recent book signing. So much twitching and that runny nose was out of control. What the world would love is a photo of her using coke. I dare say it would be worth millions.

Sarah Palin


  1. Derek Harvey2:48 AM

    What a Ninny

  2. I would love to see it too.

  3. back again3:29 AM

    Actually,that photo WOULD be worth alot !!!

  4. With apologies to Sarah Palin fans on this site, I can NOT stand this woman. Everything she says sounds so fake.
    In order to make money, she quit being a governor which leads me to believe, she is more interested in being famous, than a successful politician.

  5. Ella Bee3:38 AM

    She has fans?

  6. pretzel logic6:03 AM

    Even worse than fans, Ella Bee. She has many who still believe she would be a great addition to the US government. *shudders*

  7. Dudette7:03 AM

    It wouldn't have any effect, because she always gets away with everything. She's a barfbag.

  8. Malibuborebee7:48 AM

    All this dumb bitch ever wanted was to be a sportscaster on ESPN. She named her daughter Bristol after the town where their headquarters is located (Bristol, CT). She thought that would "prove" her dedication and they'd just have to hire her. She auditioned, they turned her down. She went into politics. Fuck you, ESPN.

    Can you imagine a Quitter Palin drug bust? The schadenfreude would be almost too much to bear but I'm willing to suffer.

  9. PoniTayl8:48 AM

    I'm going to step out on a limb here after fishing all day, but I am a strong Republican as is Ms. Palin: I hardly believe she's doing coke, she's my age and unless she wants to die, it just ain't happening. It's soooo Obvious that we have ALL Liberal posters here, SO: FUCK YOU 2 :D

  10. kathleen norris9:21 AM

    Come on Enty. Sarah Palin is not doing coke. This is a reach.

  11. Diana9:43 AM

    Who cares? She's a piece of sh*t.

  12. She's been looking methy for awhile now. Her poor kids.

  13. syvyn1110:50 AM

    If you don't like Palin, no skin of my nose. But when you imply that there is a photo of her snorting coke. Remember all the other false accusations that Mrs. Palin had to fight off (and proven right). Stuff like Bristol and her daddy gave birth to trig. That reporter spying on them from next door for a year and that book he wrote was total fiction. Anything that has to do with Baby-daddy Levi.

    Remember why she (after six and a half years) STILL a target for the left. two reasons. Since the 2008 election, she's beaten the press at every turn. And (the most important) SHE DIDN'T BOW DOWN TO OBAMA! McCain did. But Sarah wanted to fight. She should have been on top of the ticket.

    For the record, I am a republican and a member of the tea party.

  14. Penelope 211:39 AM

    She isn't doing coke, she is probably sick. If she had a drug problem there is no way that wouldn't have come out by now with as many people who don't like her...she must be ill or undergoing some treatment...I feel bad to hear this.

  15. Scallywag12:04 PM

    A strong Republican would admit what a unfortunate addition to the GOP Ms. Palin truly is. She is not stupid, but willfully ignorant. Her family was given a golden ticket and has become more overtly trashy than ever. She played well at first as a f*ckable female candidate but the GOP has long tired of her crazy-ass antics and other than drawing a crowd for CPAC (where the right-wing wannabes meet to violate every moral tenet they claim to hold so dear) she is a marginalized cartoon character at this point.

  16. Noooooo kidding.

  17. What false accusations? Please post details of the false accusations! For the record, I am a shit stirrer and a member of the U party (u=you've gotta be kidding me that people actually are dumb enough to support Spawnin Palin)

  18. What I want in my political representatives, male and female, is a decent level of fu<kability too. Screw policies, morality and ideas, so long as we can find someone with a symmetrical face and without syphilis to make 'leader of the free world' everything will be fine.

  19. Why should I do your work for you?

    But here's another. The Alaskan Governor E-Mail Scandal. Democrats demaned that Palin and the Alaskan Government release Palin's both Personal and private e-mails. Thousands of e-mails with dozens of democratic Operatives reading each one. And she didn't store them on a personal server like someone else we know.

    And in the end... THEY FOUND NOTHING!

  20. AnnieH6:31 AM

    She's still a target because she won't go away. It's not like she's just sitting there minding her own business. She keeps putting statements out and pretending like she is going to run for president even though she holds no public office and only does things for attention. She has not contributed one iota to this country since she quit her post as governor of Alaska for no reason except to make money being a talking head on conservative cable news. The fact that you support her and think that she has ever beaten the press makes me feel sad for you.

  21. Peter Rabbit11:31 AM

    Narcissistic personality disorder that one. She will never go away.

  22. doofus4:18 AM

    aren't you adorable.

    just so we're clear, she's a target for RIDICULE, not because she is any kind of serious threat to any democratic candidate. but if it makes you feel better to believe that the opposition is afwaaaaaaid of her, then wallow in the feeling of superiority. it'll be short-lived.

    I will say, though, that "beaten the press at every turn" was pretty good satire so I'll give you props for that.

  23. syvyn115:47 AM

    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

    Every bit of your comment was dripping with ridicule. If that's what you're selling, I ain't buyin'.

    In other words... Nice try. And if Gov. Palin isn't a serious threat.. why are you treating her like one? Here's how you take care of Palin.. IGNORE HER! It's not that hard.

  24. Oh good...she can party with George Bush (the second one) who had his own coke issues.
