Sunday, May 03, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #9

March 3, 2015

So, the paps are trying their best, but have failed to figure it out so two tabloid reporters have been assigned to follow this newly married couple with the A list movie/television actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee as the groom. Apparently there is a man that has been spotted several times with the wife, but for only brief moments. The paps have seen the man and have photos of him, but have none of him with the wife because she comes out of nowhere, they don’t meet in public and the meetings are usually under two minutes. The best they have got is a fuzzy shot through some dark windows a couple of times. The tabloid reporters have been trying to buy security footage from the places, but either have not had luck or there is nothing good on the video. Is he the lover? A blackmailer? He is definitely out of place.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter


  1. Perhaps he's her drug dealer.

  2. i thought blind items can be confirmed only if some tabloid publishes article and i haven's seen anything about this. without evidence there is no reveal, it remains blind item.

  3. macaroniandcheese7:04 AM

    No, I think the guideline for whenever Enty reveals is that it means that there's enough verifiable proof somewhere that he can't be sued for libel as libel = lies. Often, it is because a larger entity (like a tabloid) stuck its neck out first, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that exclusively.

  4. Felice7:28 AM

    or it's not bad enough to ruin one's reputation.

  5. yeah, but in this case there is evidently zero proof, like he doesn't even reveal who that mysterious man is supposed to be lol. Enty usually names the third person that is involved, but i only see two names here??

  6. macaroniandcheese3:27 AM

    He doesn't always point to any proof he has. Also, if the 3rd person is a nobody to his readership, then the name might not be listed because no one will give a fuck. To be honest, even in multi famous people reveals, sometimes he still leaves names out.

    You seem really invested in this not being true.

  7. He's a space alien and this is the first human alien crossbreed child. The mystery dude is from NASA checking in on the experiment. Mystery solved. ;)

  8. Yeahsure7:14 AM

    No he doesn't always name the third person and for this particular situation, even if he finds out who it is, he won't ever.

  9. Yeahsure7:19 AM

    I find the two-minute meeting timeframe much more intriguing than I would have a grainy shot of the two snogging . . . what on earth gets transacted in two minutes? The logical guesses: drugs, money, information, or setup of time/place for, umm, lengthier assignation, after separating. Probably safer than emails or phone calls or a hole in an oak tree in Hyde Park. The two reporters should separate and follow each party doggedly or hire pros to do so from their slush fund. If the pros find nothing, drop it, but really, if there's something there, the pros will find it.

    And then what will Enty do?!

  10. this BI is two months old, do you really think if there was something, tabloids wouldn't already publish it? i actually believe most of the CDaN blind items, but everyone knows at this point the ones about Cumberbatch is Enty getting from certain blogger on tumblr. It's fun though, a small glimpse into the insane brain of one jealous Cumberbitch. she recently came up with an idea Cumberbatch is gay, i expect blind item about this soon too, lmao.

  11. Yeahsure10:44 PM

    Saying that you believe most of Enty's BIs EXCEPT the ones about Cumberbatch/Hunter makes you and that insane Cumberbitch sisters under the skin: you both have a passionate investment in one view or the other.The idea that Enty in this ONE case is you should pardon the expression blindly accepting info from ONE clearly insane source is ludicrous, just as it is to assume that there are no heavily closeted actors out there that you would be shocked to find out are gay, or that this relationship didn't reek of shotgun at the get-go, or that Hunter hasn't lied on her CV, or that her ambition and running in Harvey Weinstein's circles had nothing to do with the sudden appeal for her of a man who did nothing for her in 2009.

  12. lol i bet you guys haven't even heard of CDaN before your Cumberlord got married. Stay pressed. as i said, i follow this because observing the insanity of Cumberbitches is great fun. Go, take a walk or submit some "Friend Anon" gossip to that poor girl, she's probably bored.

  13. Yeahsure12:52 AM

    Hon, if you'd read my posts with any attention you'd realize I find them both repulsive. He's a narcissistic twat with an emotional age of 12, and she's a gold-digging hard-assed climber. Believe what you will - including that this is the only couple in the world about which Enty is always and entirely wrong.

    You and Aeltri are two sides of the same coin: an insane Cumberbitch and, as your reply makes clear, and equally dedicated, ummm, what do they call them? Cumber-Nannies?

  14. i think you're the one who doesn't pay attention here. how am i a nannie? what part of "i follow this because observing the insanity of Cumberbitches is great fun." was hard to understand for you, hon? i couldn't care less for Cumberbatch, i'm only interested to watch his crazy fangirls. You're the "laughingstock" of all fandoms (okay, that was rude, SPN fangirls are a little worse). oh, and for someone who doesn't care at all, you have pretty intense knowledge about the CV of his wife, hahaha.

  15. and please, don't pretend you couldn't remember the word Cumber-Nannie. you use it a lot on your skeptic blog (some people have really embarrassingly recognizable style of writing and sadly, you're one of them). I know exactly who you are :)

  16. Yeahsure6:00 AM

    I don't have a sceptic blog, never have had one, and your claim that you know who I am is not only risible, but coming dangerously close to me making a bigger deal of this and lodging a complaint. Watch yourself, Cumber Protector Supremo. You haven't a tinker's curse of a clue who I am. This is just a gossip site. Take an aspirin and lie down.
